10 Jan

Anyone for a Ploughman's Lunch?

For our first lesson in out DT unit (Great British Dishes) we learned about what the term savoury means and discovered a range of Britain's traditional savoury dishes. Whilst we have cooked cottage pies at home, in school we conducted a taste analysis for the three main parts of a Ploughman's…

9 Jan

Showing off our culinary skills... Week 1- Cottage Pie!

For this term's DT unit 'Great British Dishes', we will be learning about and cooking a range of national dishes. During the weeks where we will not be cooking in school, the children are being asked to safely follow a recipe at home with their families and share the meal they produce…

7 Jan

Happy New Year

Our story this week has been about 10 gingerbread men who disappear. We have counted from 10-0 and from 5-0. 
Mrs Todd Bryce helped us to make our own gingerbread. It was very tasty.

16 Dec

DT-pop up /sliding Christmas cards.

After designing our cards, we then made our pop up/sliding Christmas cards carefully using our designs. We were really pleased with how they turned out and evaluated. We thought if we were to make these again, what would we do differently? 

14 Dec

Exploring Pop Up Toys and Sliders-DT

We investigated pop up toys and sliders in books before we thought of which moving part we were going to choose for our Christmas card design.

14 Dec

Year 4 DT

Over the last half term we have been practising different pop up techniques. Today we have made a moving Christmas picture.

9 Dec

Evaluating our pizzas

Our final task was to evaluate our pizzas.  We thought about what had gone well and any bits we would change if we made our pizzas again.

9 Dec

All cooked and ready to eat!

At last our pizzas were ready to eat!  They were unusual but very delicious!


9 Dec

Ready for the oven

Here are our pizzas ready for the oven.  As you can see we made some interesting food choices!

9 Dec

Y2 Pizza Making

After looking at the ‘Eat Well Plate’, we designed our own pizzas.  We tried to make them as healthy as we could by including lots of fruit and vegetables.  Some of us also included some treats in our designs.  Here are just a few pictures of us making our pizzas.  Be sure to scroll through to see…

6 Nov

Year 5 Musical Instrument Making

Today we made and evaluated our musical instruments to complete our DT topic. 

We used our plans to create our instruments. We helped each other out and had lots of fun. Our instruments all made a sound and some of us even managed to create an instrument that we could change the pitch of, this…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…