25 Nov

Y2 Full Stop Challenge

Remembering to use full stops to finish our sentences can be tough so today's challenge was to carefully read a passage about wolves and to show where the missing full stops should be using blue tack.  It took a few attempts to get this right as some of the sentences were tricky.

10 Nov

Making a Smoothie

We looked at a set of instructions and followed them to make a Strawberry and Banana smoothie for Mrs Aylott. Firstly, we got all the ingredients and equipment together.

10 Nov

Making a Smoothie

We carefully read the instructions step by step; noticing the bossy verb at the start of each instruction. 

13 Oct

Y2 Reading Cafe

Today we researched wolves in a range of different texts.  We also had hot chocolate and biscuits.  It was just like being at a reading cafe.

3 Oct

Pie Corbett literacy lessons

On Thursday, Year 6 joined in a massive literacy lesson with over 3000 other children! Pie Corbett was the host and taught the lesson. He is a very famous poet and author who has written over 250 books.

We played lots of fun word games and wrote a lot of descriptive sentences and some of us…

17 Mar

Golden Pencil Award

Year Two have been working very hard to improve their letter formation in class.  Here we have our first winners of the Golden Pencil Award!  Huge to congratulations to all five of you (including the child not pictured), you are now ready to start joining your letters.


16 Dec

Reading with buddies

We enjoyed our buddies coming to share a book with us today. We chose a book that we enjoy and they read it to us. 

16 Dec

Christmas reading with our Year 3 friends

Year 3 visited nursery and shared some Christmas stories with us. 


1 Oct

Our bossy verb hunt!

We started learning about ‘Instructions’ by going on a ‘bossy verb hunt’. We discovered they were all actions that we could do. We wrote them down and used some of them to start our instructions.

22 Mar

World Book Day

Look at the brilliant costumes we wore for World Book Day.

9 Mar

World Book Day Y6

We had a great time on a World Book Day - dressing up, decorating potatoes and enjoying a book character trail with our buddies all around the school.