Investigating Dorrington Woods! (Y3)
In English, we are reading the book "The Lost Words" which is full of poems about nature nouns like bluebells and conkers. Today we investigated Dorrington Woods to find some nature nouns of our own. Even on the walk there we were amazed by the way that plants and animals can thrive in really…
Sharing our Stone Age stories with Year 1
In Year 3 we have been writing our own stories based on the class reader, Stone Age Boy. After showing them our Stone Age dance, we read our stories to the Year One children. They seemed to really enjoy them!
Y1 and Y3
We were invited to watch Y3s wonderful dance and to read their amazing stories. Thank you Year 3!
Researching about plants
We have begun researching facts to use in our non-fiction book. We went to the school library to find non-fiction books and found the information section. We have looked at the features and found exciting information.
We also used the iPads to research about plants.
Outdoor SPAG
Year 6 have enjoyed some active SPAG revision this morning, working in pairs to find and answer questions about grammar and punctuation. After lunch, the sun came out, so we spent the afternoon practising our ‘-shun’ spelling patterns and prefixes in two team activities.
A cave in the corner of Year 3?!
Here are all of our amazing pictures based on cave paintings! We have written diary entries based on our book "Stone Age Boy". We are also loving finding out more about Prehistoric Britain with some new non-fiction books.
Busy morning in Y3!
This morning we did some cave art (see other blog), some spelling practice, some history (investigating the work of archaeologists) and even some practical maths measuring mass. And that was all before break time! Phew! Well done Year 3!
Art in the style of Liz Pichon (AKA Tom Gates!)
For World Book Day we joined a live stream event with Liz Pichon (an author/illustrator) who read from her most recent Tom Gates’ book. She also taught us how to draw in her style. We were really pleased with our attempts and have made a class book with our drawings.
Y1 and Y5 Book Quiz
We enjoyed the book character quiz around the school. Thank you Year 5’s who helped us too!
We’re Going on a Book Hunt!
Today we celebrated World Book Day by going on a book hunt! We had to find different book characters hidden around the school. There were 53 in total to find and recognise! Some were books we remembered from when we were younger. We loved seeing some of our favourite characters!
Thank you Year 3
On World Book Day, year 3 came to read to us. We really enjoyed having an older friend to read any book we chose. The children got on so well that we have invited them back.