6 Oct

Tony Peek (Poet) in Year 3

To celebrate National Poetry Day, the poet Tony Peek came to Scotforth and visited Year 3 (as well as all the other classes!)  He performed lots of his poems (we particularly enjoyed his funny ones!) and helped us to write some alliteration poems and rhymes. We are looking forward to reading his…

6 Oct

Scotforth celebrates National Poetry Day

Today we celebrated National Poetry Day with a visit from the poet Tony Peek. He shared lots of his poems and stories at a whole school assembly this morning and then visited each class for a workshop during the day. He read from his books and then we wrote lots of different poems using…

6 Oct

Y1-Tony Peek Visit

We enjoyed a visit from the poet and author, Tony Peek today at school. He shared some of his poems and songs with us. We did some amazing fish dancing and laughed a lot. 

6 Oct

Poetry workshop

Today we have had a visit from Tony Peek, a poet. We have listen to lots of amazing poems and even had a go at writing some of our own.

2 Oct

Fluent Fables (reading with expression and flow!)

In English we have been reading lots of different fables. We have been looking especially at Aesop’s fable, ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’.  Today we practised reading it aloud and taking the different character roles. We had to look carefully at the inverted commas (speech marks) to see the exact…

29 Sep


Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent some time thinking about what these words could mean. This morning, we ventured down to the woods to rehearse and film our own performance of Jabberwocky. In groups, we found…

22 Sep

Finding definitions

We have been exploring the meaning of words by using both book and online dictionaries to locate words and write the definitions. We will be using these words when we write our non-chronological report.

5 Sep

Year 6 Holiday Reading Reviews

Year 6 have been busy reading over the summer holidays. Today we wrote reviews, which are now on display in the library for everyone to read. 

16 Jun

Retelling Australian Traditional Tales

We enjoyed retelling the story and performing using stick puppets. 

13 Jun

Year 4 English

Year 4 children were practising their play script Atishoo in the shade. It was so hot in the classroom so we tried to find a little bit of breeze! After learning about the features of a play script and comparing these to a novel the children started rehearsing. The first scene involves two…

18 May

An epic trip- Shackelton's Journey

In Year 5, we are loving reading "Shackleton's Journey" by William Grill and "Ice Trap" by Meredith Hooper. 

We have learnt all about explorers in Victorian and Edwardian times and the continent of Antarctica.  We have written letters to apply to become one of the crew onboard the Endurance,…

16 May

Y1 Authors! -sharing the stories they had written

We had written our own version of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ for example ‘The Mega Carrot’. We read them to our buddies. The Year 6’s also read ‘ The Enormous Turnip’ to us but in French !!