4 Oct

Comparing Numbers

We chose numbers and compared the amounts using the vocabulary, “greater than, less than and equal to”. 

13 Sep

Ordering numbers to 20

We have been ordering numbers to 20 and looking at the value of numbers.

9 Sep

Recognising numbers

We have been using number fans to help recognise numbers. 

8 Sep

Value of numbers

We have been looking at numbers and seeing how we can make them with different resources to understand the value of numbers. 

9 Jul

Addition using number tracks

We played a game where we scored points for each bean bag we managed to throw into a hoop. We used number tracks to help us work out who scored the most points.


1 Jul

Y1 Recognising Coins

We have started learning about coins and their value. We were looking at the similarities and differences between all the coins. 

18 Jun

Pentominoes Challenge

We have had fun completing the ‘Pentominoes Challenge’. First, we had to make 12 shapes using 5 squares. When we had created the 12 shapes, we then put them on a grid with no gaps or overlapping shapes.

5 Apr

Counting in 2s

We used our construction to help us count and spot patterns when counting in 2s. 

5 Apr

Ten Frame counting in 2s

We used ten frames to spot patterns when counting in 2s.

19 Mar

Place Value Jewellery in Year 5!

We have been learning about decimal place value this week.  We cut up a straw (our "whole")  into tenths to make necklaces.  We then cut up a tenth piece into hundredths to make hundredth bracelets, and a few of us managed to persist with dividing a hundredth into thousandths to make earrings! …

10 Mar

Counting in 2’s

We spotted patterns when counting in 2s on an 100 square.

9 Mar

Counting in 2’s

We have been practising counting in 2’s with objects and numbers.