20 Apr

Play Leaders!

Today we had our final session of Play Leaders Training with Scott and Greg. We have been learning about how to teach younger children to play new games at breaktimes and lunchtimes and we cannot wait to get going now.  We have learnt how to organise and manage different games and have had to…

16 Apr

Y2 Cricket Taster


Steve Pemberton joined us this afternoon to introduce some of the many skills of cricket.  Maybe one day someone from Y2 will be the next Freddie Flintoff!

16 Apr


Steve came in to promote All Stars cricket clubs with the Y1,Y2 and Y3 children. They practised throwing, catching and striking and to work together as part of a team through the ‘spirit of cricket’. 

18 Mar

Dancing coach

We have enjoyed doing dance with Coach Louise this half term. 

4 Feb

Y2 Dance

Coach Louise has joined us again this half term.  She is teaching us lots of new dance moves.  We also get chance to ‘freestyle’!  Can you tell which of these pictures are freestyle and which are following a routine?



2 Feb

Y2 Big Apparatus in P.E.

Here we are using the big apparatus in P.E.  We are getting really brave now and lots of us have ventured all the way to the top of the big apparatus!  The ropes are also proving challenging but every week some of us manage to get a little bit higher.

20 Nov

Y2 Balancing in P.E.

We worked together to practise our balancing skills.  Can you tell how many body parts we were balancing on in these pictures?

12 Mar

Y3 Ballroom dancing rehearsals

Year 3 have been busy rehearsing their ballroom dancing routines, ready for their performance at Blackpool Tower Ballroom next Monday evening. They have been learning the jive and the waltz with coach Amy.

8 Mar

Cricket in the Spring sunshine

Year 6 enjoyed their first session of cricket with coach Steve Pemberton of the Lancashire Cricket Foundation. We learnt the jobs of the wicket keeper and bowler first, followed by batter and fielders. We practised playing in all these positions during the session. We look forward to developing…

3 Feb

PE / PSHE Sessions with Coach Dan

Over this half-term we have been learning about qualities that make us effective sports people and how these can help us in our wider lives. We have looked at confidence, perseverance, resilience, team work and encouragement. In every session we have discussed different qualities and then…

29 Jan

"Healthy Heads" with Coach Dan

Year 5 are enjoying a series of lessons with Coach Dan, all based around having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. So far, we have been thinking about resilience, confidence and gratitude. After working in the classroom on these topics, we go out and try to show these same qualities as we…

10 Dec

Hockey in Year 6

Since September we have been having weekly hockey lessons with Coach Nick. Our skills have definitely improved over this time. Today we finished with a mini tournament and Coach Nick was really impressed with our attitude as well as our skills.