21 May

Y1 Pedal and Scoot

We had an amazing day with Kathy learning to ride a bike. Thank you for the amazing parental support ! 

2 May

Y4 Crown Green Bowling

It’s been a hot afternoon practising our crown green bowling skills today. Coach Dan taught us how to hold the bowl and how to use the weight to make our bowl travel in the right direction. We certainly improved as the afternoon went on.

26 Mar

Y3/4 Football

Well done to the Y3/4 football team who represented the school well in the local tournament.

15 Mar

Fun playing cricket

Today Coach Lauren came into school to teach us skills linked to cricket. We had lots of fun aiming at the wickets and practising bowling.

14 Mar

Year 3/4 Korfball Tournament

On Thursday 14th March, ten children from Year 3 and 4 represented the school in a Korfball tournament at Moorside School. They had never before played the game but made fantastic improvements in the time and never stopped smiling (despite the cold and rainy weather!). Well done everyone - we were…

8 Mar


Thank you to Lauren who came in this week to teach us some cricket skills.  

8 Mar

Biggest Girls’ Football Day

It was great to see so many girls wanting to play football. ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ Anya who plays for Morecambe Ladies also came down. 

6 Feb

Y1 Gymnastic Sequences

Today we have enjoyed putting our skills that we have learnt, into our sequences on the big equipment. 

5 Feb

Yoga Club

We enjoyed taking part in our Yoga Club tonight. We looked at using balance, co-ordination and strengthening.

26 Jan

Electricity dance

Miss Helen is teaching us dances linked to our Science topic on electricity. We have thought of different movements to make an electrical circuit dance with a partner and incorporated switches, wires and different components into our sequence. 

22 Jan

Y5 Circuit Training

In P.E. this half term we are working on improving our fitness.  Here we are completing seven different activities in our circuit training session.

19 Jan

Y1-Dance Session

We enjoyed Miss Helen coming to do our dance this week.