1 Feb

Gymnastic balances

Year 6 have been working on developing their gymnastic skills this half term. So far we have practised mirrored and matched balances, including counter balance and counter tension balances. Today we moved on to plan routines including working on a piece of apparatus. There were some great ideas…

26 Jan

Y2 Large Apparatus

In P.E. this half term we have been developing our gymnastics skills.  We have learnt how to jump, roll, travel and balance.  We also practised putting these actions together to create a sequence.  In these pictures, you can see us applying our skills on the large apparatus.  It was trickier than…

18 Jan

Year 4 Ludus Dance

Year 4 are enjoying a series of workshops led by Ludus Dance and More Music in Morecambe. We have learnt all about germs and how they affect our bodies.

13 Jan

Electricity dance

Every Friday, Miss Helen is coming into school and working with Year 4 to teach them lots of new dance skills. She is incorporating the children’s knowledge of electricity and building on what they have learnt each week to create a dance routine. Today the children had to become a circuit, working…

6 Jan


This half term we are learning to be gymnasts.  So far we have practised our jumping skills and here we are learning to travel in different ways.  Can you tell which animal we are?  You may have spotted we are moving sideways!! 

6 Jan

Year 1 Dance

We enjoyed our 1st dance session with Miss Helen on our ‘ Superheroes’ topic. We enjoyed creating the different characters.

24 Nov

Girls’ Football Tournament

Well done to all the girls who braved the cold on Thursday and represented the school in the tournament. All of the girls did amazingly well by supporting each other and showing fantastic sportsmanship. 
We are very proud of you of you all. 


16 Nov

Fencing Fun!

We had the electrical buzzers in fencing this week.

4 Nov

Y4 Intrasports

We have completed our class Intrasports today. We practised dribbling the ball and played mini invasion games using the skills we have been taught last half term.

2 Nov

Playleaders refresh their training

Year 6 have had a morning refreshing their Playleaders training. They completed the full course last year with Scott, who came back today to give us some more ideas and remind us of the key principles for a good Playleaders session - it should be safe, active and fun. We enjoyed coming up with…

31 Oct

Year 5 and 6 Intrasports

After being rained off at the end of last term, Year 5 and 6 managed to hold their Intrasports competition this afternoon. The event was planned and run by our Sports Captains and involved using the skills we had learnt in our PE lessons last term. The activities included rugby passing skills,…