26 Sep

Young Leaders Y6 and Y1

We enjoyed having the Year 6 using their leadership skills this morning. They were showing us some of the playtime games that we could play at break time. 

22 Sep

Diddi Dance

Every other Wednesday we get to join in with Diddi Dance, we have so much fun. We really enjoy expressing ourselves. 

15 Sep

Invasion game skills

Today, we have been practising skills to play an invasion game. We have been throwing and catching balls using a chest pass and a bounce pass. We had to think of the position of our hands and feet to be able to throw and catch effectively.

14 Sep

Thursday at Lockerbie

We have had another day of glorious weather and exciting activities. Many of us have been up in the woods learning survival skills, as well as tackling some very tricky initiative problems, where we had to work in a team to solve a variety of puzzles. We also tried out our fencing skills and had…

4 Sep

Building resilience

This afternoon we talked a lot about having the right mindset in order to tackle the challenges that lay ahead.  We learnt about several famous people who have had to show great resilience in order to succeed and then tested our own patience, perseverance and resilience with a football, basketball…

19 Jul

Y1 Yogi

We had a lovely, relaxing and peaceful Yogi experience today. Just what we all needed coming to the end of term. Thank you 

14 Jul

Y4 Cheerleading Taster Session

Today, we had a cheerleading taster session. We learnt some of the moves and even attempted some balances.

14 Jul

Cheerleading in Y1

Thank you to Bay Stormers who came in and gave us a taster session on cheerleading.


13 Jul

Y2 Cheerleading

Today Mrs Winder came into school to give us all a taste of cheerleading.  Here are just a few snaps of Y2 practising what she taught us.

13 Jul

Let’s go Year 3!

This afternoon, Year 3 were cheerleading with Mrs Winder. It was great!


12 Jul

Fun in the play area

After dinner we had just enough time to spare for a quick play in the playground.  Here are just a few of us having fun.

12 Jul

Leaving the splash park

Sadly it was all over and we had to leave the park.  We were a bit soggy but great fun was had by all!