29 Mar


Everyone inYear 6 has had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors from Go Velo. We began on the…

18 Mar

Investigating chocolate production - is it fair?

As the culmination of their geography work on world trade, Year 6 used all their knowledge to help them understand the supply chain involved in chocolate production. They were shocked to find that from the £1 retail price of a bar of chocolate, the cocoa farmers in Ghana only receive 8p! Through…

2 Mar

Be the Change - Go Green!

Today Year 5 and 6 went to Lancaster University for a “Be the Change Day” focusing on the environment.
This was organised by the students of the university and took place on campus.

We learnt all about food miles, how fruit and vegetables are grown and transported and the impact of plastics on…

28 Feb

Be the Change Day (Go Green!) Year 5

Today Year 5 and 6 went to Lancaster University for a “Be the Change Day” focusing on the environment.
This was organised by the students of the university and took place on campus.

We learnt all about food miles, how fruit and vegetables are grown and transported and the impact of plastics on…

10 Feb

Golden Time Teamwork!

Some fabulous teamwork here, girls!!!  Look at what you can do when you work together.

8 Feb

People Who Help Us!

We really enjoyed when Kath came in to talk to us about how she helps people in her job. We discussed our emotions and how we should talk about our feelings. 

18 Jan

Year 4 Ludus Dance

Year 4 are enjoying a series of workshops led by Ludus Dance and More Music in Morecambe. We have learnt all about germs and how they affect our bodies.

11 Jan


Today two fish have come to Nursery. We are going to look after them whilst their owners are on holiday. We have talked about the rules we will need to keep them safe, linking it with our kind hands board. Each day we will choose a child from the kind hands board to feed the fish.

13 Dec

Hanukkah in Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about the Jewish festival of light, Hanukkah. During these celebrations, Jewish children often play a game using sweets and a spinner called a dreidel. This morning we have played this game using counters instead of sweets with winners moving up a table. It was a really…

15 Nov

Planet Protectors!

This week in Year 1's RE lesson, we looked at God's creation and how it is being spoiled by the actions of people. We talked about how we have choices to make everyday, some of which help the world and others that actually harm it.

The children set to work and cleared 'the beach' of litter,…

17 Oct

Painting Self-portraits

We have been using paint to make our self portrait. We have been discussing the different hair colour, eye colour and skin colour that people have and that we are all unique. We mixed the paint to achieve the right colours.

4 Oct

Open Doors

We played a game created by the Charity Open Doors. They help Christians round the world who have suffered persecution. We discovered that for many people choosing to journey through life as a Christian is an extremely difficult option. We also found out that Christians around the world have so…