6 Feb

Y1 Gymnastic Sequences

Today we have enjoyed putting our skills that we have learnt, into our sequences on the big equipment. 

30 Jan

People Who Help Us

We really enjoyed Emily coming in today to tell us how she helps people in her job. We explored all the different emotions and helped animals along the way. Thank you, Emily

6 Oct

Y1 Greater Than and Less Than

We were investigating greater and less than numbers using lots of maths resources. 

6 Oct

Y1-Tony Peek Visit

We enjoyed a visit from the poet and author, Tony Peek today at school. He shared some of his poems and songs with us. We did some amazing fish dancing and laughed a lot. 

3 Oct

Senses-smelling experiment

The children enjoyed predicting what they could smell. It was interesting that some children thought it was chips when it was tomato sauce! 

3 Oct

Autumn Walk

We explored the school grounds to find out what happens in autumn. We went to the horse chestnut tree and spotted all the colours that the leaves are turning. We also picked up something that we could draw back in class. 

27 Sep


Today we explored the sense of touch by guessing which object was in my bag. The children did very well describing the materials so our friends could guess. 

26 Sep

Young Leaders Y6 and Y1

We enjoyed having the Year 6 using their leadership skills this morning. They were showing us some of the playtime games that we could play at break time. 

19 Jul

Y1 Yogi

We had a lovely, relaxing and peaceful Yogi experience today. Just what we all needed coming to the end of term. Thank you 

18 Jul

DT -playgrounds

We enjoyed looking at the shapes we needed to use to help make our structures stronger. We designed our structures and discussed how we can join the models to make them move. 

12 Jul

Street Dance