7 Mar

World Book Day Year 1

We had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day.

13 Dec

3D shape sorting

Today we have been sorting our 3D shapes. 

15 Nov

Alfie’s celebration

We have enjoyed celebrating with Alfie this week as he rings the bell completing his treatment!

5 Nov

Reading Safety Instructions to Reception

We wrote some Bonfire Safety Instructions and shared them with Reception. 

16 Oct

Labelling body parts

Today we have been learning about our bodies. We have been labelling the different body parts using play dough models we have made. 

24 Sep

Year 1 explore the Jewish Festival of Sukkot

Today, Year 1 heard about the Jewish harvest festival. This is called Sukkot. Jews build and decorate a sukkah, which means hut and spend as much time as possible in there. They eat, pray and even sleep in the shelter to remember when Moses led the Jews through the wilderness. They give thanks to…

6 Sep

Rock Kidz

The amazing Rock Kidz came in to spread the important message of bullying. We spoke about what bullying is and what it means. 

19 Jun

Y1 Capacity

We enjoyed exploring about capacity in Y1. We predicted how many cups it takes to fill different containers.

5 Jun

Y1 School Trip Dalton

We had an amazing day at the zoo. We fed the giraffes, monkeys and touched the snake. We learnt all about the animal groups and also discussed the animal diets.

24 May

Clay Flowers

We have enjoyed making some clay flowers. We cannot wait to paint them. We also discussed the parts of the plants when we were designing them with playdough. 

23 May

Y1 Crown Green Bowling

Today, we enjoyed playing Crown Green Bowling at school. We could show off our rolling skills! 

22 May

Y1 and Y3

We were invited to watch Y3s wonderful dance and to read their amazing stories. Thank you Year 3!