23 Nov

Year 1 Science - Property Testing

We have continued being scientists by exploring ‘Materials’ and testing the properties of them. 

23 Nov

Year 1 DT- Creating levers

We have explored sliders and levers and now we have begun to make our own. We have used our cutting, glueing and hole punching skills to make this. We will be exploring these in preparation for our end product.

15 Nov

Planet Protectors!

This week in Year 1's RE lesson, we looked at God's creation and how it is being spoiled by the actions of people. We talked about how we have choices to make everyday, some of which help the world and others that actually harm it.

The children set to work and cleared 'the beach' of litter,…

8 Nov

God and His Creation!

Year 1 started their new RE unit last week: God and His Creation!

We started by discussing what being creative actually means and how it makes us feel, through watching video clips of characters being creative in different scenes. (see below for these video links) We looked at how the…

4 Nov

Reading our Bonfire Safety Instructions

We have written some safety instructions and we enjoyed sharing them with Reception class today. 

1 Nov

Let's Get Creative!

This week, we started our RE unit: God and His Creation by exploring our imagination and creativity through artistic challenges, and then reflected upon the experience of being creative!

We thoroughly enjoyed creating the wonders of the natural world and felt immensely proud of ourselves when…

20 Oct

Real Fruit Arcimboldo

Following our work on the artist Arcimboldo, we used real fruit to make fruit faces. 

20 Oct

Exploring our Sense of Taste

We have enjoyed exploring the sense of taste this week. We had to guess the range of fruit and vegetables and whether we liked it or not. It was lovely to see the children trying different foods and some children found out they actually liked it ! 


18 Oct

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

We have been discussing the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We have been looking at his work and recreating it. Then we had fun making our own ! 

18 Oct

Argentinian Plums & Spanish Oranges!

We have worked so hard learning all about Harvest and the Jewish festival of Sukkot this half term. We ended our final lesson with group discussions to consolidate our learning and talk about what we now know.
During continuous provision, the children enjoyed tasting plums from Argentina and…

11 Oct

Thank You for the Harvest!

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about Harvests from around the world, trying different foods that have been grown and harvested from many countries and continents.

We have also looked into how the Harvest is celebrated within another religion: Judaism! We learned the story of the…