19 Sep

NISCU visit Y6

Debbie and Abbie came to teach us about the life journey of St.Paul, who our school is named after. We found out how meeting God changed the direction of his life completely. We saw how his life journey contained trials, persecution and triumphs and looked at how he was able to overcome these with…

14 Jul

Year 6's field trip to the Lake District

Year 6 were extremely fortunate with the weather today for their geography field trip to the Lake District.

We set off early in the morning and headed for Ambleside, where we walked up to Todd Crag. At the top we had a spectacular view of Windermere and the surrounding fells, but could see the…

13 Jul

Year 6’s Tempest production goes down a storm!

Well done to all the Year 6 children for their exceptional performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest last night. What a testament to their teamwork and resilience in putting on such a great performance in such a short period of time. The acting was great and the singing, including a number of…

4 Jul

Dodgeball team go to Blackpool

Having won the district dodgeball competition at the Salt Ayre Sports Festival in May, a team of 8 boys travelled to Blackpool as part of "Team Lancaster" to represent the area at the Lancashire School Games in Stanley Park. The dodgeball tournament was designed to be a participation event, so we…

21 Jun

Year 6 run 100 miles!

Year 6 showed great athletic skill and resilience this morning as they embarked on their 1 hour sponsored run to raise money towards our upcoming day trip to the Lake District. The weather was just perfect for us (not too hot with a gentle breeze). Some children chose to run every lap, whilst some…

20 Jun

Y6 focus on Wellbeing at Lancaster University

Year 6 have spent the day at Lancaster University, hosted by the Children and Young People’s Partnership, focusing on wellbeing. We began the day thinking about moving on to high school and discussed some of the things that we might be worried about. We then thought about the importance of…

19 Jun

Netball Tournament Success

Two teams went to Moorside School after school today to take part in the Lancaster cluster netball tournament. Both teams played well, but the Red team won all their first round matches and went forward to the final against Ellel St. John's, which they won 3-0. 

12 Jun

Year 6 climb high at Salt Ayre

Year 6 spent the afternoon at Salt Ayre Sports Centre, having a go on their exciting indoor climbing wall, alongside some other activities in the sports hall. A great time was had by all!


8 Jun

Year 6 visit to County Hall

Year 6 had a long but interesting day today on their visit to County Hall. We began bright and early by walking down to the station and catching the train to Preston. As part of this term’s Citizenship activities, we spent the morning with Mr. Mynott, who took us on a tour of County Hall before…

30 May

Jam Club for Year 6

Year 6 had an exciting time at Jam (Jesus and Me!) Club today. Naomi and Jane came in and told us the story of Noah’s ark and God’s protection for Noah. We then had the challenge of protecting our own eggs. We worked in teams and with lots of different materials to create a protective layer around…

25 May

Double success at the Sports' Festival

Once again, Year 6 have had great sporting success, this time at the annual Salt Ayre Sports' Festival. 29 schools were represented and we took part in four activities: korfball, dodgeball and girls' football tournaments as well as a non-competitive cheer-leading session. We are super proud to…

22 May

Y5 and 6 Intrasports

Year 6, along with Year 5, enjoyed an afternoon of Intrasports today, as we come to the end of half term. Activities were planned for us by our very enthusiastic team of Sports Captains and included skills we have been practising recently in our PE lessons. Teams took part in netball-type games as…