20 May

Lancaster Fire and Rescue service

This morning, Lancaster Fire and Rescue Service came to visit us. We learned about what they do and ways to be safe at home.

20 May

Crown green bowling

This afternoon, we took part in a special PE session of crown green bowling with Coach Dan. It was great fun. Lotty won the Bowl of the Day.



14 May

Goldilocks Scratch animations

This afternoon, we were using the programme Scratch to code an animation about Goldilocks.

13 May

History detectives

This afternoon, we were looking at items from the past and trying to decide which ones helped us to learn facts about Florence Nightingale when she lived so long ago.

26 Apr

Axle making

This afternoon, we were investigating axles to make a moving vehicle with junk modelling materials.


7 Mar

Year 2 World Book Day

We have had a brilliant World Book Day. We have read loads and had fun!

4 Mar

Where are woodlice found?

This afternoon, Year 3 were looking for woodlice in the school grounds. We looked in lots of areas - behind the outdoor classroom, in the garden, around the climbing frame and we recorded our findings in a table. 

1 Mar

Polka dots

This afternoon, we were creating polka dots using different art mediums. We used oil pastels, paint, felt tips and pencil crayons. We used the stippling technique and circling to create the dots. 

20 Feb

Habitat dancing with Miss Helen

This morning, we were dancing like monkeys and moving like we were in the jungle. It was great fun. 

6 Feb

Making equal groups

Today, Year 2 started learning about multiplication. We were seeing how we could make equal groups with 20 counters.


26 Jan

Sketching our super self portraits

This afternoon, we were sketching our self portraits. We used sketching pencils (lots of excitement occurred!) to be able to be more accurate with our lines and shapes and the light and dark parts of our face.

12 Jan

Sorting 2D shapes

This morning, we were sorting 2D shapes. We have sorted them using their properties - amount of sides, amount of vertices, colour.