Passover 2025
Today year 6 re-enacted a Seder meal to help us remember the significance of this important festival to Jews today. We tried the symbolic food and drink and found some were far more appetising than others! We also set a place for Elijah and opened the door to welcome him in. We enjoyed looking for…
Y6 Explore Eucharist
This afternoon Y6 braved the rain to meet Rev. Rebecca at church. She gave us a very warm welcome and took us through the Eucharist order of service. She explained how and why Christians celebrate Eucharist and the significance of all the items involved. This has helped us to see more links…
Passover 2024
In R.E. Y6 have been learning about how God used Moses to lead the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt. Just as Jesus did, Jews today still remember this significant event in their history, through the festival of Passover. Today we had fun re-creating a Passover Seder and were able to…

Year 6 RE
In RE today we considered whether it was more difficult or easier to journey through life with faith in God. We heard about Open Doors who help persecuted Christians world wide. We played a game they produced to help us understand some of the difficulties faced by Christians facing…

Outdoor Maths
We have been revising our knowledge of place value this week. As the sun was shining today, we took the opportunity to get outside and work in groups to challenge each other with our use of function machines, involving multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of 10.
Passover 2023
Today Year 6 re-enacted a Passover meal. As we tried each of the symbolic foods we recalled the story of the Exodus. We tried to imagine what a Jewish family might be feeling and the significance it holds for them. You can probably tell by the photos who tried the bitter herbs; which remind Jewish…
Richard and Ruth Return
This week we enjoyed welcoming back Ruth and Richard who are leading us on our 'Walk through the Bible'. Ruth has recently been on a trip to the Holy Land. She was able to share some photos with us from her trip to the land where Jesus lived, taught and died. This links nicely with our recent work…
Open Doors
We played a game created by the Charity Open Doors. They help Christians round the world who have suffered persecution. We discovered that for many people choosing to journey through life as a Christian is an extremely difficult option. We also found out that Christians around the world have so…

Thursday at Lockerbie Manor!
Our penultimate day at Lockerbie has been jam-packed with tough targets, tricky team-building tasks and towering heights! We’ve have great fun when facing our fears at the Manor's enormous climbing wall, straining to reach the next level on Jacob's Tower, and when learning how to take time and…

Wednesday at Lockerbie
The sun has been shining all day today. Some of us enjoyed time on the lake again, this time building and testing rafts. We have also been mountain bike riding and had a fencing lesson. This afternoon some groups tackled the obstacle course, whilst others had to use their teamwork skills in a…