Viking Day 2025!
Today we held Year 5’s Viking Day.
We started off by learning about how the Vikings travelled and what was so special about their Longboats. We then had a go at creating our own, decorating them with sails and shields.
We then found out about the Nordic Paganism. We learnt about the…

Classification in Year 6!
In science this term we are looking at classification of living things. To help us think about the questions needed in a classification key we played ‘Who am I?’ with living things we may find on a woodland walk. We were allowed to ask yes or no questions and once we found out who we were we had…

Testing Voltage in Y6
Today in science we had a look at the difference between voltage and current. We tried testing buzzers, bulbs and motors to see if their output energy changed depending on the voltage from the batteries.

Rugby in PE!
Our new PE topic this term is rugby.
In our first lesson we tried to increase our accuracy of swing passes, and today we tried to involve that accuracy in game scenarios!

Forces Escape Room
This half term we have been learning all about forced in year 6. Today, we braved the rain and completed 10 puzzles hidden around school to give us 10 digits to let us escape out of our “locked in” scenario!

RE in year 5
This half term in year 5 we have been learning all about the Bible. Recently we had a read through Psalm 23 in many different versions of the Bible. We spoke about why there may be different translations and which were our favourite. We also had a visit from Abi from NISCU who taught us a bit more…

Verbal instructions in year 5!
This week in year 5 we are learning about instructions, focusing today on verbal instructions. We were trying to decide if these were easier to follow than written instructions. We first started by guiding a partner using only verbal instructions around the playground avoiding obstacles. It…

Great Big Live Assembly - Black History Month
We joined with thousands of schools around the country to tune into a Great Big Live Assembly all about Black History Month. We heard from many black celebrities and influencers about their heroes, as well as learning more about inspiring black leaders from around the world.

Mindful Planting
For Mindful Monday some children chose to do planting with Miss Walsh.
Some children chose to plant peas (vegetables) and some children chose to plant sweet peas (flowers)!
After this, we created some faces using natural resources we could find around us!

Levers and Pulleys
Today we investigated pulleys and levers. We found that using multiple pulleys meant less work was required to lift a 1kg mass. We also found that moving a pivot on a lever changed how much mass was required to lift an object.