Investigating teeth (using eggs?!)
In science, we have been investigating teeth, their functions and how to look after them. We wanted to find out which drinks damaged teeth the most and so last week we set an experiment using hardboiled eggs to see the effect that different liquids had on their shells. In our groups, we chose 3…
Investigating counties of the U.K.
In geography we have been learning about the 4 countries that make up the UK. We have learnt about the capital cities, the different flags, patron saints and each country's emblem. Today we focused on counties. We found out that each country within the UK is divided into counties. There are…

Practise makes perfect!
We have been practising hard (at school and at home) on our ukeleles and, so far, have learnt the chords of C and F. Next week we will go on to the chord of G and then we will be able to play loads of songs!! Have a listen to see how we're getting on.

Ukuleles in Year 5!
We are starting to learn the ukuleles in Year 5. Today we just practised holding the ukuleles and plucking the four strings. Hope fully greater things are to come! Watch this space…

Investigating and Reciting Poems in Year 5
In Year 5, we have started a new unit in English - poetry. We have discussed what we think poetry is and what features you might find in a poem. We have also read, discussed and performed different poems. Each group was given a poem to read and investigate together. We talked about which…

The Vikings Invade Year 5!
Today Year 5 was taken over by marauding Vikings (and a few Anglo Saxon monks!). We had a surprisingly peaceful day though, full of Viking activities: bread making (and eating), braiding to make cords, deciphering and writing in runes and making longships. We learned a lot too- especially about…

Victory at Easter Art
We looked at lots of art inspired by Easter and Jesus’ death and resurrection. We then used paints or crayons to create our own artwork to represent the idea of victory at Easter. We used different techniques including sponging. We also listened to different Easter hymns and found words and…

Investigating our home continent - Europe!
In geography we have started learning about Europe - our home continent. Today we looked at human features of different countries including languages, currency and flags. We used the internet and fact sheets to research these for lots of different European countries.

Investigating History - Primary and Secondary Sources
In history we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We have learnt all about the Anglo-Saxon gods and today we found out about how Christianity returned to Britain (Christian missionaries had first come during a Roman times). We met three important missionaries (Columbus,…
Performing Poetry!
In Year 5 we have been enjoying The Highwayman, a classic poem by Alfred Noyes. We have explored its language and written our own stories and verses based on it. We have also been learning it off by heart. Today we performed some of the verses together. This is the first verse. We hope you…

The Fresh Prince of… Year 5!
In music we have been learning about Hip Hop and particularly the song ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’. Some of us have even started watching the series from the 90s… parents may remember it too! We were amazed at how fast the words are but have been practising hard to fit them in. We hope you enjoy…

What happened to the Romans?
In Year 4 we have been looking at why the Romans left Britain (in about 400 AD) and what happened to their empire. We found out that the empire declined because of many reasons, such as fighting between rulers, attacks from the Barbarian tribe and the lack of money to pay the army. We were amazed…