Decimal Jewellery
Today we made decimal jewellery. We cut up paper straws into tenths to make a necklace. Then we cut one tenth into ten pieces (hundredths)and used these to make a jewel for our necklace. Our final challenge was to cut a hundredth into ten pieces making thousandths. We were amazed at how tiny…

Rehearsing The Highwayman
We have loved reading The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes and have written our own verses and stories based on this. Now we are getting ready to perform this poem. We have all learnt the first and last verses and are working in groups to prepare two more verses. We have looked at examples of…

Would you rather live in Anglo-Saxon times or nowadays?
We have been investigating life in Anglo-Saxon times to decide whether we would rather have lived then or nowadays. We used books, the internet and photos of artefacts to find out about food, work, leisure, clothes and homes in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Many of us liked the idea of telling stories…

Sharing books over a cup of hot chocolate!
To celebrate World Book Day, Year 5 and 6 got together this afternoon to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate (other drinks were available!) and a pastry. It wasn't just about food and drink though - we each chose a favourite book to write a review of and shared these with the other children on our…

Be the Change Day (Go Green!) Year 5
Today Year 5 and 6 went to Lancaster University for a “Be the Change Day” focusing on the environment.
This was organised by the students of the university and took place on campus.
We learnt all about food miles, how fruit and vegetables are grown and transported and the impact of plastics on…
Researching Roman Towns in Year 4 (The Celtic Spies are Back!)
Today we became Celtic spies to find out about Roman towns. We had to find clues and feedback to our groups. We were also allowed to spy on other groups to find out more! We tried to include features like the Forum, the amphitheatre, the bath house, shops, the temple and the circus (where horse…

Our Graffiti Tags!
In art have been looking at graffiti artists and how they often have a distinctive "tag" or autograph. We designed out own and then created stencils from our designs. Graffiti artists, such as Banksy, often use spray paints with stencils but we used sponging instead. We then used a black…

Voici les Sept Jours de la Semaine (Here are the Seven Days of the Week)!
In French we have been learning to say the date and our birthdays. We are pretty good at the days of the week now as we know a good song to help us remember them! Today we made paper ‘fortune tellers’ to help practise saying them.

Spying on the Romans!
We are learning about the Roman invasion when Claudius was emperor (43 AD). Today we pretended to be Celts spying on the Roman army who had invaded our country. We have to work quickly and accurately in teams to find out as much as we could about the invading army. We drew pictures to help…

Bible Explorers return,
Ruth and Sutty from Bible Explorers returned today to tell us more stories from the Old Testament. We practised the symbols from last time and heard about the stories of Moses and Joseph. We found them really exciting…

Bible Explorers Y5
Today we started our Bible Explorer sessions with Sutty and Ruth from ‘Sports Reach’ and ‘Walk Through the Bible’. As part of our Bible topic in RE, they are teaching us some of the key stories from the Old Testament. Today we learnt about the story of creation, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden,…

Jonny from NISCU visits us (and not a onesie in sight!)
Today Jonny (having lead a great lunchtime club for Year 5 and 6!) joined us so we could ask him some questions about the Bible. We asked lots of interesting questions such as “How often do you read the Bible?”, “How long has it been so important to you?”, “Are there any bits you don’t like?”, “Do…