Reading Trail with Buddies
We had a lovely time with our buddies on the book trail through Dorrrington Wood as part of our World Book celebrations.

Roman Day - spying on towns, the end of an empire and... food!
After learning about Boudicca, we became Celtic spies investigating Roman towns. We had to search for clues about what would be in the towns and report back to our groups. We were even allowed to ’spy’ on other groups! We then had to draw and label a picture map to show the different features of…

Year 4 Roman Day - Investigating Boudicca
Today Year 4 was invaded by the Romans! We had Roman legionaries, centurions, governors and even Emperors! Not only that, but we were honoured to be visited by some Roman gods such as Poseidon.
We learnt more about the Celts and their rebellion under Boudicca. She was a very brave and…

Writing instructions to play a game
Yesterday we made our own instruction sheets for a board game of our choice.
Today we used the instructions to help us set up and play the games in groups. We evaluated each other and found something they had done really well and something they could improve next time.

Learning about the Parables of Jesus with Diana from NISCU
In RE we have been learning about the stories Jesus told so today Diana from NISCU visited us. She talked to us about the Prodigal Son, the Story of the Sower and the Story of the Unforgiving Servant. She showed us some very funny videos that showed the stories well. We had to think really hard…

Scotforth is invaded by Anglo-Saxons...
Today we welcomed Meldred the Anglo-Saxon to our school to tell us all about life in Anglo-Saxon England. She told us the ancient story of Beowulf and all about Alfred the Great. We also learnt about settlements and created our own villages named after their leaders: Anyaport, Frankfort,…
Dear Celtic Leader... Our Reports About the Roman Army
In history we have been learning about the Roman invasion and the strength of their army. Today we wrote reports as if we were Celtic spies giving evidence about the strength of the Roman army. We had lots of information to pass on and didn't think our Celtic army had much chance against the…

Investigating Patterns in Multiplication Tables
In maths we have been investigating patterns in different multiplication tables. We looked at the digital roots of the different tables and drew the shapes that these made onto circles. We were amazed by the different shapes that were created. We tried to work logically and carefully so we could…

Anglo-Saxon Religion
We have been learning about religion in Britain during Anglo-Saxon times.
First of all we learnt about different gods from the Anglo-Saxon pagan beliefs. We then acted out the story of how Christianity came to Britain from missionaries from both Ireland and Rome.
We found out that it was a…

Our Writing linked to The Highwayman
We have been exploring the story and characters from The Highwayman. Recently we have written our own stories and speeches linked to this dramatic poem. We have edited them and presented them in neat for display. Enjoy reading them!

Who is to Blame?! The Highwayman Inquest
We have been investigating The Highwayman poem in literacy and discussing who was to blame to the death of Bess the landlord’s daughter. Our chief suspects are Tim the ostler, The Highwayman, Bess herself and the Red-Coat soldiers. In groups we wrote formal, persuasive speeches to try to persuade…

Spying on the Romans!
In Year 4 we have been learning about the Roman invasion of Britain in 43AD. We worked in groups of “Celts” to “spy”on the Roman army and report back to our fellow Celts. We looked at their armour and also the way they trained and practised battle manoeuvres. They looked pretty…