Investigating Jesus’ parables in drama
We have been learning about Jesus as a teacher and in particular the stories he told. Today we looked at different parables in our groups and acted them out for the rest of the class. We looked at the Parable of the Great Feast, the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the Parable of the Unforgiving…
Telling the Highwayman Story Through Dance
We have been exploring the classic poem The Highwayman in both literacy and dance. Today we focused on the character of the Highwayman himself and used dance to communicate his journey across the dark, windswept moors. We have been working hard to include different dance elements such as travel,…
Hotseating the Highwayman!
We have been exploring different characters from The Highwayman poem. Today we had the chance to interview both Bess and The Highwayman himself! He was quite a charming and funny character, and we learnt a lot about his past...

Retelling The Highwayman
In Year 5, we have been exploring Alfred Noyes' famous narrative poem The Highwayman. We have enjoyed acting out some of the scenes using freeze frames. Today we planned a retelling of the poem from the point of view of one of its characters. We tried to use vocabulary from the poem to create a…
Y4 European Country Research
In geography have been learning about the physical and human features of different countries. In pairs we chose a country and researched it using books and the internet. We had to show the flag of each country as well. We presented our information for a display.

Call my Bluff (Maya Style!)
In our history this half-term, we have been learning about the amazing Maya civilisation and this week we have been investigating primary sources and artefacts. Today we tried to trick our classmates in a game of Call My Bluff! Each group was given an artefact to investigate and had to write…

Investigating the Christmas Story
In RE we have been investigating the Christmas story. We drew pictures of all the things and people we thought might have been at the first Christmas. We then investigated the Bible sources in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.
Can you work out which things from our list were mentioned in the…

Having Fun With Cubes...
In maths we have been learning about different types of numbers - ask anyone in Year 5 if you fancy hearing the famous Prime Number Rap! Today it was... cube numbers.
We had lots of fun making the different cube numbers out of multilink. 1x1x1 was quite easy (needing only 1 multilink!)…
French Fruit Games
We are learning the names of fruits in French and then we will learn how to describe the fruits and give our opinions of them. Today we played a dice and counter game linked to fruits. We had to speak in French all the time. It wasn't easy but we had fun!
Let's have a heated debate!
In Year 5 we have been investigating persuasive writing. We have read lots of examples and written our own persuasive leaflets. Now we are preparing for a class debate. Today we were given the topics for our debates:
It is wrong to spend billions of pounds on space…
Historical Enquiry - What can we tell about the Maya from their buildings?
We have started out new topic - The Magnificent Maya! Today we thought about what we already know about the Maya. We came up with lots of enquiry questions that we want to find out about during our topic.
As historians, we know we need to use evidence to find out about the past. We used…
Environmental Posters in Year 5
In Geography, we have been learning about the COP26 conference. We watched Newsround and read articles about the conference. We found out about what governments are trying to do to reduce climate change. In our "Living in the United Kingdom" topic we have also been learning about the many…