Year 6 World Book Day
On Tuesday 3rd March, we celebrated World Book Day. Can you work out which book characters we came as? We started the day with an assembly and then designed our own book feet for a whole school display. We began to decorate our classroom door as the cover of the book we have started reading, The…
Forces in Water
We have been investigating upthrust in water by adding coins into boats of different shapes. We also looked at how boats with different shapes moved through water.
Making frames in DT
We have been investigating different types of shelters and materials. Linked to our topic about explorers and Shackelton's Antarctic expedition, we have planned our own shelters that would be suitable for cold, windy conditions. Today we practised making secure frames out of wood. We measured…
PE / PSHE Sessions with Coach Dan
Over this half-term we have been learning about qualities that make us effective sports people and how these can help us in our wider lives. We have looked at confidence, perseverance, resilience, team work and encouragement. In every session we have discussed different qualities and then…
Conversations in French!
Today in French we had the opportunity to have simple conversations with Monsieur Pouey and Mademoiselle Lemaire who are visiting from France. We practised talking about the weather, describing ourselves and where we live as well as what foods we like. It was great to improve our…
Re-enacting the Seder Meal
In RE we have been learning about the Jewish Passover, which celebrates the freedom of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Today we recapped the story and re-enacted the traditional Seder meal. We learnt about the significance and symbolism of the different food items that are…
Shackleton Paintings (with perspective!)
We have been studying the exciting story of the adventurer Shackleton. In art we have also been looking at creating perspective in a picture through use of colour as well as the size of objects. We painted these pictures based on Shackleton's journey across South Georgia and added a family motto…
Christmas Fun -Year 6
Today we had our annual Christmas party. Great fun was had by all as we played many Christmassy games including the Chocolate Game, the Nativity Dash and, of course, Johnny Smartie!
Christmas Fun!
Today we had our annual Christmas party. Great fun was had by all as we played many Christmassy games including the Chocolate Game, the Nativity Dash and, of course, Johnny Smartie!
Creating Scientific Keys
In science we have looked at using keys to classify things, particularly living things. Today we used our knowledge of keys to create our own ones for a wide variety of sweets! We had to look at size, colour, texture, the ingredients and the structure in order to sort the different sweets. Look at…
Bible Explorer Lessons in Year 6
Over the last 5 weeks, we have been going through the New Testament stories and themes with James Bovinizer from Bible Explorers. We have learnt about every book in the New Testament and learnt some key actions to go with the main ideas. This now means we have covered the entire Bible as we learnt…
Hockey in Year 6
Since September we have been having weekly hockey lessons with Coach Nick. Our skills have definitely improved over this time. Today we finished with a mini tournament and Coach Nick was really impressed with our attitude as well as our skills.