13 Jul

Year 4 DT


Year 4 have been making houses with security lights in DT. First we had to design and make a house out of a cardboard box. Next we had to have a doormat which had foil on the underside. We constructed an electrical circuit using a battery, a bulb in a holder and three wires. The end of the…

12 Jul

Year 4 French Day

Today, Year 4 had their French Day. The children dressed up as French characters or in the colours of the French flag, ate French food and completed a quiz. Outside in the playground we played boules and croquet, fortunately it wasn’t too sunny! In the afternoon we had an Eiffel Tower building…

5 Jul

A special visit

In the White Rose Maths Scheme there is a tortoise called Tiny who unfortunately, often gets things wrong. Today Year 4 had a visit from a tortoise called Tortelli. Hopefully he’s much better at maths!

13 Jun

Year 4 Jubilee Art

Year 4 chose England as their Commonwealth country. We picked the North West artist L.S.Lowry and made matchstalk men, women, children, cats and dogs.

9 Jun

Year 4 Music

Yesterday Emma Williams visited Year 4. She came to lead us in some singing activities. Unfortunately the Lancaster Music festival is not taking place this year so this was an alternative activity for the children. We will be performing the songs to the rest of the school when we have practised a…

25 May

Year 4 Art

Year 4 have moved on with their Gaudi topic. The children have made animal collages using his Trencadis technique.

We’ve also been working hard on our exhibit for the Art exhibition but that’s a secret for now!

17 May

Year 4 Wheelchair basketball

Year 4 had a fantastic time playing wheelchair basketball. Lots of goals were scored with lots of fun and laughter. It was a great opportunity for the children. Thank you very much.

27 Apr

Year 4 Art

Year 4 have started their new Art topic based on the Spanish artist Antoni Gaudi. These are some of our initial drawings. We will be making collages next.

27 Apr

Year 4 PE

Today we were practising our overarm throwing. Everyone tried really hard and were very enthusiastic.

Watchout for Xavier and Kian playing cricket for England in the future. Their throwing skills are amazing!

22 Apr

Cedric the skeleton

This week, we had a new member join our class called Cedric. We have been discussing why we need a skeleton and have been looking closely at the bones that make up Cedric’s skeleton and have been naming them. A adult human skeleton has 206 bones, we didn’t manage to name them all! Let’s see how…

21 Apr

The Water Cycle in a bag

The window in our classroom is decorated with food bags! We have drawn the water cycle on the bags and are looking at them daily to see the different processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happening. 

28 Mar

Year4 Mother’s Day cards

We really hope you all liked your Mother’s Day cards. We spent lots of time and care making them for such special people.