18 Oct

Year 4 art - designing chairs

Year 4 have been designing and making chairs. We made a variety of test chairs to see which materials were good to use. Next we designed a chair for a teddy or book character in our sketch books. Finally, we had a fun afternoon making our finished product.

15 Jun

Year 4 French Day

Year 4 French Day

Year 4 dressed up and brought in food to eat. The food was delicious. We played games, did quizzes and completed some research.

8 Jan


We have been looking at chronology and placing key periods of history into the correct order.

25 Nov

Pop up mechanisms- DT

InDT, Year 4 have been practising making pop up mechanisms using paper and card. This is in preparation for making a moving Christmas picture. We’ll show you some photos when they are finished.

5 Mar

Year 4 Drama

1 Mar

Year 4 and 5 Football Morning

Year 4 and 5 girls attended a football morning at the University of Cumbria. They learnt new skills and played some matches. 

9 May

Cats Performance Poetry

Year 4 dressed up as cats ready to perform to songs from the musical Cats.

5 Oct

Year 1 Art

As part of a topic on colour, painting and collage the children made this picture in the style of the artist Kandinsky.