1 Dec

Ripley Christmas Science Spectacular

Year 4 went to Ripley School to complete some Science experiments.

We had a fantastic time!

24 Nov

Year 4 NISCU visit

Yesterday afternoon Diana from NISCU came to give us an RE lesson based on Jesus the light of the World. We found Bible quotes, discussed how Jesus could show us the light and made paper lanterns.

22 Nov

Year 4 Art based on the artist and architect Hundertwasser

The children have designed their own pictures in the style of the artist Hundertwasser. Eventually these will be made into calendars for 2022. Don’t the pictures look bright and colourful?

20 Oct

Year 4 French

We investigated ways of travelling to France. Next we made a guidebook showing places to visit in Paris.

18 Oct

Year 4 art - designing chairs

Year 4 have been designing and making chairs. We made a variety of test chairs to see which materials were good to use. Next we designed a chair for a teddy or book character in our sketch books. Finally, we had a fun afternoon making our finished product.

15 Jun

Year 4 French Day

Year 4 French Day

Year 4 dressed up and brought in food to eat. The food was delicious. We played games, did quizzes and completed some research.

8 Jan


We have been looking at chronology and placing key periods of history into the correct order.

25 Nov

Pop up mechanisms- DT

InDT, Year 4 have been practising making pop up mechanisms using paper and card. This is in preparation for making a moving Christmas picture. We’ll show you some photos when they are finished.

5 Mar

Year 4 Drama

1 Mar

Year 4 and 5 Football Morning

Year 4 and 5 girls attended a football morning at the University of Cumbria. They learnt new skills and played some matches.