11 Dec

Making our Dolls Houses

We have been discussing the features of different houses and we have been designing our own dolls house. We have looked at houses from the past and the present, comparing features on older houses and more modern houses. Then we designed our own dolls house and started making them using materials…

13 Nov

Material Sorting

We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties. 

13 Nov

Material Sorting

We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties. 

13 Nov

Material Sorting

We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties. 

11 Nov

Year 1 Dance

Coach Louise is teaching us dance this half term and we are looking at different styles of dance. We were looking at salsa style of dance this week. 

15 Oct

Y1-A Fruit Smoothie

We enjoyed following a recipe to make a strawberry and banana smoothie for Mrs Aylott. We followed the instructions carefully spotting the features of all the instructions. The following day we designed and wrote our own smoothie recipes using all the features we had seen.

8 Oct

Ourselves Topic- brushing your teeth!

During our topic, we also looked at keeping our bodies clean and discussed the importance of brushing our teeth. We watched a video and got a new toothbrush and toothpaste to take home. 

We then sequenced instructions on the best way to brush our teeth. 

8 Oct

Ourselves Topic

During our topic of ‘Ourselves’, we had discussed the importance of washing your hands thoroughly and why. We read instructions on how to wash your hands and they are in the toilets to remind us.

8 Oct

Making Fruit Salad

During our ‘Ourselves’ topic, we have been learning about foods which are healthy for us. We designed a fruit salad using healthy fruit and tried to use different varieties. 

We enjoyed using good chopping skills to cut the fruit into small pieces and some children tried some fruits that they…

1 Oct

Our bossy verb hunt!

We started learning about ‘Instructions’ by going on a ‘bossy verb hunt’. We discovered they were all actions that we could do. We wrote them down and used some of them to start our instructions.

24 Sep

Labelling the parts of our body

We drew around a member of Year 1 and enjoyed labelling the different parts of our body.

23 Nov

Diddi Dance

We are looking at different styles of dance with Nicola from Diddi dance.