Rain Gauge
Look how much water we have collected this week! We will be monitoring how much rainfall we get in the coming months and also look at the temperature.

A visit from a health visitor
Thank you to Joanne for coming into our class today. As part of our superhero topic (people who help us), we had one of our parents coming in and showing what she does. She showed us how she would weigh a baby, measure the baby and the resources she needs to check a child’s development.

Maths Fun- making numbers to 20
We have been exploring how we can make numbers to 20 by looking at the tens and ones in a number.

Coach Steve is coming in this half term to help teach us the fundamentals in cricket. Not only are we working on throwing, hitting and catching, but also to be a good sport and show the ‘ spirit of cricket’.

Intra Sports
We enjoyed taking part in Inter-Sports today, where we concentrated on underarm throwing for accuracy and over arm throwing for distance. We worked as a team to get as many points. Well done Red Team!

Reading with buddies
We enjoyed our buddies coming to share a book with us today. We chose a book that we enjoy and they read it to us.

Making our Dolls Houses
We have been discussing the features of different houses and we have been designing our own dolls house. We have looked at houses from the past and the present, comparing features on older houses and more modern houses. Then we designed our own dolls house and started making them using materials…

Material Sorting
We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties.

Material Sorting
We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties.

Material Sorting
We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties.

Year 1 Dance
Coach Louise is teaching us dance this half term and we are looking at different styles of dance. We were looking at salsa style of dance this week.

Y1-A Fruit Smoothie
We enjoyed following a recipe to make a strawberry and banana smoothie for Mrs Aylott. We followed the instructions carefully spotting the features of all the instructions. The following day we designed and wrote our own smoothie recipes using all the features we had seen.