1 Oct

Our bossy verb hunt!

We started learning about ‘Instructions’ by going on a ‘bossy verb hunt’. We discovered they were all actions that we could do. We wrote them down and used some of them to start our instructions.

24 Sep

Labelling the parts of our body

We drew around a member of Year 1 and enjoyed labelling the different parts of our body.

23 Nov

Diddi Dance

We are looking at different styles of dance with Nicola from Diddi dance. 

7 Sep

Meeting our buddies

We went to play with year 5. We got partnered up with a buddy who will help look after us.

7 Sep

Our first week in school

Everyone in Reception has had a busy week getting to know their new classroom, new teachers, new friends and new routines. We have had lots of fun!

27 Feb


After listening to the story of "Oliver's vegetables" we washed potatoes and carrots in our water tray. We chopped the vegetables making wedges and vegetable soup. The red cabbage turned the soup purple!!!!! We liked the wedges best.

27 Feb


We went out this morning after putting on waterproof trousers by ourselves. We threw lots of snowballs.

14 Jan

Making new friends

We spent the afternoon playing games with reception class. We took turns and waited patiently for a go. Thank you for inviting us.

14 Jan

Our pictures

We used 2d shapes to make fire engine pictures. Next Wednesday a real fire team and engine are coming to visit.

14 Jan

Fire fighting

We used 2d shapes to make a fire engine. We then went for a ride in it!