2 Feb

Y2 Hand Puppet Making

Here we are making our hand puppets.  We used sewing to join the back and front of our puppet.  We then used sewing or glue to add the details to our puppets.

2 Feb

Y2 Big Apparatus in P.E.

Here we are using the big apparatus in P.E.  We are getting really brave now and lots of us have ventured all the way to the top of the big apparatus!  The ropes are also proving challenging but every week some of us manage to get a little bit higher.

28 Jan

Y2 Puppet Show

Our D.T. project this term looks at puppets.  We will investigate the different types before making our own.  Here we are performing our own puppet shows in class.

28 Jan

Y2 Sewing Practice

Today we learnt how to sew using two different types of stitch.  Running stitch was the easiest but we all managed overstitch too.  We are going to use this skill when making a hand puppet next week!

27 Jan

Y2 Finger Puppets

Today we made our own finger puppets using felt.  We used glue to hold the front and back together and discovered this wasn’t always the best thing to use.

18 Dec

Christmas Fun

Today is the last day of term so we decorated biscuits and had a nice relaxing day after a very busy term!!

17 Dec

Virtual Panto!!

At this time of year we usually welcome a travelling theatre company into school to put on a show for us.  Unfortunately that could not happen this year BUT we didn't miss out as we watched a virtual pantomime instead! As an extra special treat we also got to eat popcorn!! 

16 Dec

Y2 Intra-sports Competition December 2020

Here we are taking part in this term's intra-sports competition.  Normally we compete against children in other classes too but sadly we couldn't do that at this time.  We still had a great time though and the green team were our class winners.

10 Dec

Y2 Pizza Making

Here we are making the pizza we designed after tasting lots of different bases and toppings.  Some of us chose very unusual ingredients!

10 Dec

Y2 Finished Pizzas

Look at all of the delicious pizzas we made!


25 Nov

Y2 Full Stop Challenge

Remembering to use full stops to finish our sentences can be tough so today's challenge was to carefully read a passage about wolves and to show where the missing full stops should be using blue tack.  It took a few attempts to get this right as some of the sentences were tricky.

23 Nov

Children in need

We joined in with Coach Joe Wickes!  He was raising money for Children in Need.  We collected money for them too.