21 Jul

Last day in Y2

Our last day in the INFANTS!!!

Good Luck in Year 3 everyone!


14 Jul

Sailing Boats

Look at our fantastic boat pictures inspired by the artwork of Chas Jacobs and JMW Turner.


12 Jul

Y2 Vehicle Making

Here we are painting the vehicles that we designed.

30 Jun

Ambulance Visit

Today Mr Brighouse brought his ambulance to school to show us what they look like inside. 

24 Jun

Great Fire of London Art

Just a few of the fabulous pictures we created inspired by the events of the Great Fire of London.


26 May

Y2 Great Fire of London 3D pictures

Today we created a 3D picture of the Great Fire of London.  First we did a detailed pencil sketch using pictures of Ludgate and St Paul’s Cathedral to inspire us.  Then we created flames using coloured tissue and crepe paper and card.  Finally we combined the two to create these fabulous…

16 Apr

Y2 Cricket Taster


Steve Pemberton joined us this afternoon to introduce some of the many skills of cricket.  Maybe one day someone from Y2 will be the next Freddie Flintoff!

18 Mar

Safety Seymour

Today Safety Seymour visited us virtually to teach us all about Carbon Monoxide.  We discovered it is a very dangerous gas that can be very harmful and even deadly.  All the children received a free goody bag with lots of information, a build your own Seymour and a carbon monoxide detector to keep…

11 Mar

World Book Day in Year 2

Here we are celebrating World Book Day.  Look at our fabulous costumes!!  We did a character quiz on the yard this morning and have been very busy making bookmarks this afternoon.  We also wrote our own version of Little Red Riding Hood after discovering Mrs Aylott was yesterday’s masked reader.…

8 Feb

Y2 Tally Charts

Today we started our new maths topic all about statistics.  We thought about making tally charts to show different information and created our own tally charts to show our favourite fruit, and to show what passed by the front of school.

4 Feb

Y2 Dance

Coach Louise has joined us again this half term.  She is teaching us lots of new dance moves.  We also get chance to ‘freestyle’!  Can you tell which of these pictures are freestyle and which are following a routine?



3 Feb

Y2 Hand Puppets

We have worked so hard to sew and decorate our own puppet designs.  Here are just a few of the finished puppets.  Watch this space for even more as they’re completed!!