Virtual Panto!!
At this time of year we usually welcome a travelling theatre company into school to put on a show for us. Unfortunately that could not happen this year BUT we didn't miss out as we watched a virtual pantomime instead! As an extra special treat we also got to eat popcorn!!
Y2 Intra-sports Competition December 2020
Here we are taking part in this term's intra-sports competition. Normally we compete against children in other classes too but sadly we couldn't do that at this time. We still had a great time though and the green team were our class winners.
Y2 Pizza Making
Here we are making the pizza we designed after tasting lots of different bases and toppings. Some of us chose very unusual ingredients!
Y2 Full Stop Challenge
Remembering to use full stops to finish our sentences can be tough so today's challenge was to carefully read a passage about wolves and to show where the missing full stops should be using blue tack. It took a few attempts to get this right as some of the sentences were tricky.

Children in need
We joined in with Coach Joe Wickes! He was raising money for Children in Need. We collected money for them too.

Y2 Balancing in P.E.
We worked together to practise our balancing skills. Can you tell how many body parts we were balancing on in these pictures?
Y2 Duck Race for Children in Need
Here we are cheering on our class' ducks - Vincent Quack Gogh and The Bobbin' Coach. Sadly neither of our ducks won but it was great fun watching them race!

Y2 Reading Cafe
Today we researched wolves in a range of different texts. We also had hot chocolate and biscuits. It was just like being at a reading cafe.

Dinosaur Footprints
Today, we found a trail of footprints all round school. We asked lots of questions and even asked Mrs Aylott if she had seen anything that could have made the footprints! We came up with lots of ideas and followed the trail. When we got back into the classroom, look at what we found!!!!!

Superheroes- People who help us
As part of our topic, we had another parent coming to tell us about how she helps people in the St John’s Ambulance. We enjoyed hearing about what she does and loved looking at the medals she had been awarded, especially from the Queen!
Thank you for coming in.