27 Apr

Active 60 event

One of the events was a mini obstacle course.

15 Mar

3D Shapes

We also looked carefully at the 3D shapes and drew around each face.  This helped us to see the shapes of the different faces.

15 Mar

3D Shape

We also used the polydron shapes to make our own 3D shapes.  This helped us to really think about the shape of the different faces on the shapes.

15 Mar

3D Shape

We are learning about 3D shapes in maths.  Here we are making some using cocktail sticks and marshmallows. This helped us to think about how many vertices in each shape.

4 Mar

World Book Day Reading with Y6

On World Book Day, Y6 came to read to us.  It was lovely to see them and we really enjoyed listening to their stories.  Thanks Year 6!

3 Mar

Dead, living or never alive

We decided another category was needed so added a group called ‘Never Alive’.

3 Mar

Living or Dead

In Science, we are learning all about living things.  Today we sorted various objects into two categories - living or dead.  Most objects were quite easy to classify but some made us really think.  

9 Dec

Evaluating our pizzas

Our final task was to evaluate our pizzas.  We thought about what had gone well and any bits we would change if we made our pizzas again.

9 Dec

All cooked and ready to eat!

At last our pizzas were ready to eat!  They were unusual but very delicious!


9 Dec

Ready for the oven

Here are our pizzas ready for the oven.  As you can see we made some interesting food choices!

9 Dec

Y2 Pizza Making

After looking at the ‘Eat Well Plate’, we designed our own pizzas.  We tried to make them as healthy as we could by including lots of fruit and vegetables.  Some of us also included some treats in our designs.  Here are just a few pictures of us making our pizzas.  Be sure to scroll through to seeā€¦