Harvest-Where does our food come from?
We have enjoyed tasting fruit from other countries and finding where it was on a globe. We discussed how the various fruits would have journeyed from country to country.

Life Education-Our Wonderful Bodies
We loved meeting Harold the giraffe today! He was telling us all about our wonderful bodies and how to keep healthy.

Settling into Y1
What a brilliant couple of days we have had settling into Y1. Here are just a few photos to show what we have been up to.

Past or Present?
Year 1 today started off their ‘Brilliant Bodies Brilliant Minds’ learning with a spot of History!
We talked about what History learning looks like and the difference between past and present. The children looked at different pictures and decided if they should be sorted into the past or…

Lancaster Bulldogs visit
We have a great time playing wheelchair basketball today with John from Lancaster Bulldogs. Thank you so much.

Visit from University of Cumbria
The children had a great time catching and throwing and completing an obstacle course today. A big thank you to the students for taking the lesson and the medals went down a storm.

Garden time 29-04
A big thank you to the Gardening Club particularly Mr Long, Mrs Nemeth and Mr Mellor for planting potatoes with the class. We are looking forward to watching the plants grow and then digging up the buried treasure later in the summer term.

Garden Time 22-04-22
Today we have been investigating different textures in our garden. We did rubbings and showed them to our friends to see if they could guess what the original object was.

Reception Prize Winners.
Congratulations to the prize winners. We have all worked super hard in Reception. Well done to the whole class.