Christmas Fun
Today is the last day of term so we decorated biscuits and had a nice relaxing day after a very busy term!!

Researching a country in Europe
We each chose a country in Europe to research. We had to find out lots of facts about that country, such as the size, the population and the language. We also found out what foods were eaten there and if any famous people were born in that country. We also made the flag too.

Using atlases
We have been using the atlases to locate the countries in Europe and their capital cities.

Europe information hunt
In our geography lessons, we have been learning about Europe. We had to find the answers to questions about Europe that were placed around our playground. We had lots of fun finding the answers and keeping fit.
Virtual Panto!!
At this time of year we usually welcome a travelling theatre company into school to put on a show for us. Unfortunately that could not happen this year BUT we didn't miss out as we watched a virtual pantomime instead! As an extra special treat we also got to eat popcorn!!
Christmas cards for the residents at Chirnside House
We have been thinking about how important it is to be kind and considerate and decided that Christmas was a good time to show others that we care. We decided to send some special Christmas cards to the residents at Chirnside House as we know life for them is especially tough at theā¦

Christmas Party
We had good fun designing our party hats after our Christmas Lunch. We also played party games and enjoyed lots of dancing.
Y2 Intra-sports Competition December 2020
Here we are taking part in this term's intra-sports competition. Normally we compete against children in other classes too but sadly we couldn't do that at this time. We still had a great time though and the green team were our class winners.

Our Christmas Party
We had a brilliant day! We made party hats in the morning and enjoyed party games and food in the afternoon. It was all topped off with a visit from Santa.
Look at our special visitor!
A very special visitor came to Nursery and told us we had been good. He has brought us a present