Place Value Jewellery in Year 5!
We have been learning about decimal place value this week. We cut up a straw (our "whole") into tenths to make necklaces. We then cut up a tenth piece into hundredths to make hundredth bracelets, and a few of us managed to persist with dividing a hundredth into thousandths to make earrings! …

Safety Seymour
Today Safety Seymour visited us virtually to teach us all about Carbon Monoxide. We discovered it is a very dangerous gas that can be very harmful and even deadly. All the children received a free goody bag with lots of information, a build your own Seymour and a carbon monoxide detector to keep…

Our Year 1 Wormery
We have enjoyed looking after these worms for the last couple of weeks. We have made sure they have been fed, watered and kept in a dark place. They are amazing animals and we have enjoyed watching them.

World Book Day Fun in Year 6
We had a great week back together celebrating World Book Day. Here we are in our costumes! Can you work out which book characters we were dressed as?
World Book Day in Y5
We had a great time when we celebrated World Book Day in school. Can you work out which book characters we are from our costumes?

World book day in nursery!
We enjoyed dressing up for World book day today in nursery. We shared some new stories and retold the story of Little red riding hood, using masks and figures.
We also guessed who each other were dressed up as!

Minibeast Hunt
We have been looking at animals this half term.We discussed what makes an insect ?
We spotted a few in our garden and then drew them, looking at the features. We made sure we put them back exactly where we found them.

World Book Day
We all enjoyed World Book Day. The costumes were fantastic and we enjoyed all the book activities throughout the day. As soon as the bell rung, we would read our books. We also had a fun World Book Day character quiz. We read and enjoyed lots of stories throughout the day.

World Book Day in Year 2
Here we are celebrating World Book Day. Look at our fabulous costumes!! We did a character quiz on the yard this morning and have been very busy making bookmarks this afternoon. We also wrote our own version of Little Red Riding Hood after discovering Mrs Aylott was yesterday’s masked reader.…
Celebrating World Book Day
We shared lots of books in class today and talked to each other about the characters we were dressed as.

Signs of spring
We looked at different types of flowers in our Scotforth garden. We spotted daffodils, crocus’ and bluebells too. We looked at how they started- as bulbs.