11 Mar

Celebrating World Book Day

We shared lots of books  in class today and talked to each other about the characters we were dressed as.


10 Mar

Signs of spring

We looked at different types of flowers in our Scotforth garden. We spotted daffodils, crocus’ and bluebells too. We looked at how they started- as bulbs. 

10 Mar

Spotting Our Horse-chestnut tree changing through the seasons.

When we went on out autumn walk, we spotted the green leaves that had fallen down and collected cookers in their spikey casing.

When we came to see the tree in winter, we saw it had lost most of it’s leaves. 

Today we came back too see if had changed. We could now see big brown buds at…

10 Mar

Counting in 2’s

We spotted patterns when counting in 2s on an 100 square.

9 Mar

Year 1 Phonic Hunt

We had to hunt around the playground finding phonic sounds. Every time we saw one we read it and shouted it out. We all enjoyed our Phonic Hunt.

9 Mar

Counting in 2’s

We have been practising counting in 2’s with objects and numbers.

8 Feb

Y2 Tally Charts

Today we started our new maths topic all about statistics.  We thought about making tally charts to show different information and created our own tally charts to show our favourite fruit, and to show what passed by the front of school.

4 Feb

Y2 Dance

Coach Louise has joined us again this half term.  She is teaching us lots of new dance moves.  We also get chance to ‘freestyle’!  Can you tell which of these pictures are freestyle and which are following a routine?



3 Feb

Y2 Hand Puppets

We have worked so hard to sew and decorate our own puppet designs.  Here are just a few of the finished puppets.  Watch this space for even more as they’re completed!!


2 Feb

Y2 Hand Puppet Making

Here we are making our hand puppets.  We used sewing to join the back and front of our puppet.  We then used sewing or glue to add the details to our puppets.

2 Feb

Y2 Big Apparatus in P.E.

Here we are using the big apparatus in P.E.  We are getting really brave now and lots of us have ventured all the way to the top of the big apparatus!  The ropes are also proving challenging but every week some of us manage to get a little bit higher.

28 Jan

Y2 Puppet Show

Our D.T. project this term looks at puppets.  We will investigate the different types before making our own.  Here we are performing our own puppet shows in class.