Year 4 French Day
Year 4 French Day
Year 4 dressed up and brought in food to eat. The food was delicious. We played games, did quizzes and completed some research.

Y1 Colour mixing
We have been looking at the artist Pier Mondrian and looking at his use of primary colours. We have been recreating digital pictures on the computers. We used Mondrian's primary colours to explore the secondary colours we could make by mixing the primary colours.
Creating Vomit in Science (Trigger warning!)
Today we learnt all about the digestive system and in particular the stomach. We learnt that sometimes the stomach needs to get rid of food that could be harmful to the body. Trigger warning! Do not watch the video if you are squeamish!

Year 3 light source search
This afternoon, Year 3 were searching for light sources around school. We looked in our classroom, the creative room, the hall and the computer suite. We found out the computer suite had the most light sources despite it being the smallest room we searched. We made tallies of the light sources and…

Y6 Bikeability
Year 6 were delighted to finally be able to take part in Bikeability training sessions this week. They enjoyed two days of instruction from the Go Velo team, who taught them how to make sure their bike is in good working order before teaching them how to ride safely on the roads around…

Y2 Great Fire of London 3D pictures
Today we created a 3D picture of the Great Fire of London. First we did a detailed pencil sketch using pictures of Ludgate and St Paul’s Cathedral to inspire us. Then we created flames using coloured tissue and crepe paper and card. Finally we combined the two to create these fabulous…
Visit to Beacon Fell (or was it to Kensuke's Kingdom?)
Today we went on our first class trip since the COVID outbreak. Hurrah!! We travelled to Beacon Fell and learnt all about how to survive in the wild. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom in school and had already picked up some great survival tips from that. We found out more about how best…
Steady On, Year 6!
We have combined our newly-acquired Scientific knowledge with our D&T skills, alongside a dash of creativity and produced our very own, fully-functioning steady-hand games this afternoon! We had a fantastic afternoon, showing off and applying all of our new Electrical Circuits learning from the…
Friday "Zoom" assemblies
In recent weeks we have been enjoying our "Zoom" assemblies together on a Friday afternoon. Well done to the House Captains for organising these each week by collecting our team points, introducing superstars from each class and leading us in prayer. It is really good to see everyone in the other…
Mayan clay work
To round off our work on the Mayans, Year 6 practised their clay skills, working with sculpting tools as well as learning how to create a coil pot. over two weeks, we made Mayan tiles, steles and pots.
Y6 welcome Rev. Claire
Today we welcomed Rev. Claire Cook into school for the first time. She has come to work alongside Rev. Rebecca at St. Paul's. She came in on Ascension Day to talk to us about the Holy Spirit. We looked at how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples at Pentecost and the influence that the Holy Spirit…
Y6 welcome Rev. Claire
Today we welcomed Rev. Claire Cook into school for the first time. She has come to work alongside Rev. Rebecca at St. Paul's. She came in on Ascension Day to talk to us about the Holy Spirit. We looked at how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples at Pentecost and the influence that the Holy Spirit…