Graffiti Art Calendars in Year 3
In art we have been learning about put graffiti art so we used these skills to create our calendars for 2024. We hope you like them!
Making Christmas Packaging in DT
In DT we have been developing our cutting, folding and fixing skills in order to make packaging for our Christmas biscuits. We also learnt about different colour schemes to develop a style for our ‘brand’ and used these colours to decorate our boxes.
Christmas card printing in Year 6
Over the last three weeks, we have been working hard on developing our printing skills, to create our Christmas cards for this year. We used polystyrene blocks to cut out our basic design. We then used special printing ink to evenly coat our blocks before transferring the design onto paper.
Year 3/4 Christmas Party 2023
Today was the Year 3&4 Christmas party and we had a great time. We played some old favourites like musical statues and pass the parcel. We also played some new games like Hoops. “You can’t eat Johnny Smartie” was a favourite again!
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Party
Today was the Year 3&4 Christmas party and we had a great time. We played some old favourites like musical statues and pass the parcel. We also played some new games like Hoops. “You can’t eat Johnny Smartie” was a favourite again!
Music Assembly
Mrs Helen Bowden from Lancaster Music Centre joined us for a special Music Assembly today. Look out for information about the Centre in this week’s newsletter.
Investigating properties of Materials
We investigated the different properties of materials. We looked to see if they were bendy, waterproof or transparent.
Sewing our decorations pt.1
This morning, we began making our decorations with the help of a returning Mrs Brown!
Making our 2024 calendars.
This week we made our calendars. We found out that in each season the leaves are different colours.
Y4 Moving Pictures
During the last half term, Year 4 have been practising skills to make pictures move. Over the last two days, they have put these skills to good use making a Christmas themed pop up picture.
Y6 shelter making
This week, Year 6 have been making a start on constructing their shelters, which they have been designing. The task is to design and make a shelter to house a family of four playmobile people, which must withstand wind, rain and pressure from above. Today, we focussed on our cutting skills, using…
Niscu RE lesson
This afternoon, Year 2 and Year 3 had a great, interactive lesson from Niscu all about the Christmas story.