11 Dec

Y6 Enterprise Week

Last week, Year 6 had a very busy week, preparing for the Christmas Fair. They were split into six groups and each loaned £15 by SCOT4ALL. Each group had to work as a team to design and make items to sell at the fair with the aim of making a profit to be given back to SCOT4ALL.

Each group had a…

11 Dec

Carol singing at Chirnside House

This afternoon, Year 6 went to Chirnside House to help Rev Catherine with her Christmas Carol service for the residents. We sang carols and some of us also read the Bible readings. When we had finished, we had the chance to chat to the residents before walking back to school.

7 Dec

Y4 Christmas Dodgeball Party

Today, Y4 had a brilliant time at the Dodgeball Christmas Party. Coach Wilcock taught us different tactics and teamwork. We listened to Christmas music whilst we played Christmas Tree Dodgeball, Santa’s Elves and Hide the Present. It was lots of fun and very festive. 

7 Dec

Christmas Dodgeball Party Y3

Today Coach Wilcock came in for our Dodgeball Christmas Party.  We played Christmas Tree Dodgeball, Hide the Present, Christmas Bauble and Santa’s Elves.  We listened to Christmas music as we played! We had lots of fun and learned how to play with good tactics and team…

6 Dec

Cutting skills for our DT decoration

This afternoon, we were practising our cutting skills for when we make a decoration next week. We were very careful and trying to cut as neatly as possible.

6 Dec

Adding two two digit numbers

This morning, Year 2 were using base 10 to add two two digit numbers together. They were amazing at it and soon moved onto adding without the base 10!

6 Dec


This week we have been learning all about the four different seasons. 

5 Dec

Making arrays to show multiplication Y3

In maths we are learning about multiplication and today we used objects in the classroom to make arrays (rectangular diagrams) to show multiplication. We wrote down the linked multiplication facts on our whiteboards. We were very creative with the objects we found!


29 Nov

Dragon hunting and prepositions

This afternoon, Year 2 went dragon hunting around the school. We found quite a few and we’re using prepositions to describe where we found them.

under the cone

behind the book shelf

amongst the books

24 Nov

Edible rocks!

This afternoon Mrs Dowson has been teaching the children about different types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.  They used edible items to make the different types of rocks and  then drew real examples of each type.  They had lots of fun learning some quite tricky concepts and…

24 Nov

Pied Piper of Hamelin (by Robert Browning)

We have been reading the story and the poem of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.  Last week we learnt some of the first verse off by heart.  We hope you enjoy it!


24 Nov

Invasion games

In PE, we have been practising different skills that are needed to play invasion games. We have been passing using bounce and chest passes, we have been dribbling and we have also been thinking of tactics to try to outwit the opposition. We divided the playground into sections today and had to…