Thank you
Thank you very much for the donation of the very large car mat today. The children all wanted to play on it and worked well negotiating the space with each other.

Year 6’s Tempest production goes down a storm!
Well done to all the Year 6 children for their exceptional performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest last night. What a testament to their teamwork and resilience in putting on such a great performance in such a short period of time. The acting was great and the singing, including a number of…

Y2 Cheerleading
Today Mrs Winder came into school to give us all a taste of cheerleading. Here are just a few snaps of Y2 practising what she taught us.

Investigating Mass
Today we are investigating the mass of various objects. It was trickier than it looked to make the two sides of the scale balance.

Fun in the play area
After dinner we had just enough time to spare for a quick play in the playground. Here are just a few of us having fun.

Y2 Ice Cream Time
We all enjoyed a delicious ice cream or ice lolly after finishing our first map challenge.