Year 6 visit to County Hall
Year 6 had a long but interesting day today on their visit to County Hall. We began bright and early by walking down to the station and catching the train to Preston. As part of this term’s Citizenship activities, we spent the morning with Mr. Mynott, who took us on a tour of County Hall before…
History - Comparing the city-states of Athens and Sparta
Today, we have been reading a variety of statements and deciding whether they referred to the Ancient Greek city-states of Athens or Sparta. We made a Venn diagram and looked at similarities and differences between the two places. After finding out about them, we were asked to decide which place…
Year 4 Greek afternoon
Year 4 have had a fabulous afternoon listening to a Greek expert from The Heritage Learning Service. The children could dress in Greek costumes to help become absorbed in the activities. They learnt about the Minotaur, Greek City States, tyranny, early democracy and Alexander the Great. The…
Going on a journey!
We are ready to welcome everyone back tomorrow. Our new topic is all about journeys and vehicles. We would love to hear about a journey you have been onl
Jam Club for Year 6
Year 6 had an exciting time at Jam (Jesus and Me!) Club today. Naomi and Jane came in and told us the story of Noah’s ark and God’s protection for Noah. We then had the challenge of protecting our own eggs. We worked in teams and with lots of different materials to create a protective layer around…
Y1/2 Intra School Sports
Today we enjoyed competing in our team colours to win the Intra Sport's trophy.
Investigating sound
Today we have set up and conducted our own group investigations to find out what happens to a sound as we move away from the sound source. Each person in our group had their own role.
Y1 Clay Flowers
We investigated how other artists used clay to produce a piece of art. We moulded it into the shapes that we wanted using our hands and tools. We are excited to paint them next !
Double success at the Sports' Festival
Once again, Year 6 have had great sporting success, this time at the annual Salt Ayre Sports' Festival. 29 schools were represented and we took part in four activities: korfball, dodgeball and girls' football tournaments as well as a non-competitive cheer-leading session. We are super proud to…
Perfecting our Crown Green Bowling skills
We have had another brilliant afternoon learning how to bowl with Coach Dan. Our skills and aim have certainly got much better.
After hearing the story of Jack and his beanstalk, the children were very keen to plant their own beans. We looked at different coloured beans and compared their sizes. The children are watering the beans and checking them daily.