23 Nov

Year 1 DT- Creating levers

We have explored sliders and levers and now we have begun to make our own. We have used our cutting, glueing and hole punching skills to make this. We will be exploring these in preparation for our end product.

22 Nov

Bible Explorers return,

Ruth and Sutty from Bible Explorers returned today to tell us more stories from the Old Testament. We practised the symbols from last time and heard about the stories of Moses and Joseph. We found them really exciting…


21 Nov

Year 4 Prayer Tree

Last week, in our RE lesson Year 4 wrote some prayers. We had all put a named heart or star on our prayer tree and we switched off the lights so we could see the lights on the tree and our lighted candle. We wrote prayers, praising God for our wonderful world, thanking God for our fabulous friends…

17 Nov

Year 6 printing project begins

This week, we welcomed Naomi St. John into our class to help us design and create multi-layered prints which will eventually become our Christmas cards. Having created our basic designs and transferred them onto polystyrene tiles, we learnt how to ink them and print our designs onto coloured…

16 Nov

Fencing Fun!

We had the electrical buzzers in fencing this week.

15 Nov

Planet Protectors!

This week in Year 1's RE lesson, we looked at God's creation and how it is being spoiled by the actions of people. We talked about how we have choices to make everyday, some of which help the world and others that actually harm it.

The children set to work and cleared 'the beach' of litter,…

14 Nov

Make 10 to add two small numbers

Today we used the ten frames to practise quite a tricky but very important skill in maths.  We were learning to use ten to add numbers.  This means that instead of using our fingers to calculate 6 + 7, we used our number bonds to make the sum 6 + 4 + 3.  As we know 6 + 4 = 10 already, we only have…

14 Nov

Circuit Repairs!

This week in Science, Year 6 explored faults in circuits and how to repair them!

The children started the session by working together in teams to create human circuits, that would only allow the electrons (tennis balls) to flow when they were fully connected (feet to feet!). As we became more…

11 Nov

For the Fallen

Today, the 11th November, we all stopped and gathered in the hall at 11 o’clock to remember the people who have died in wars both in the past and in ongoing conflicts. Following our two minutes of silence, Year 6 recited three verses of the poem “For the Fallen”, which they have been learning in…

11 Nov

X marks the spot

Today we have followed a simple map to find a new toy for Nursery. We have used lots of directional language. The children were very good at looking for clues on each photo to find the next place to look. 

10 Nov

Dissolving and filtering solids

In science, we have been investigating the question ‘Which solids dissolve in water?’ We mixed a variety of solids with water to find out, then we tried to retrieve the original solid by filtering them using a funnel and filter paper and recorded the results. We used different scientific…

10 Nov

Pizza time

Today, we were eating pizza! We had to decide which nutrients were in each slice first though.