Year 1 Animal Day
Look at our amazing costumes! Thank you to everyone who donated or brought in dog food.

Animal Fun
We dressed up as different animals today to raise money and donations for the charity ‘Animal Care’. How many different animals can you see in Y4?

Girls’ Football Tournament
Well done to all the girls who braved the cold on Thursday and represented the school in the tournament. All of the girls did amazingly well by supporting each other and showing fantastic sportsmanship.
We are very proud of you of you all.

African Masks
After designing our own African Mask we have now entered the making phase. Step 1 was to create our mask outline in cardboard. Step 2 was covering the whole mask in Modroc which is a plaster product that hardens as it dries. Keep watching for Step 3 (coming soon).

Dissection of a flower
In Science we dissected Oriental Lilies and Alstroemeria flowers to find all the parts of the flower we had learned about in our pollination and fertilisation lessons. We were amazed at how small some of the parts actually were.

Mad Science Assembly
We found out about sound waves and how they travel today in our Mad Science Assembly. It was fun, exciting and at times hot, hot, hot. After Christmas we are hoping to run a Mad Science Club in school on a Friday. Look out for the flyer for this if your child is interested.

Year 1 Science - Property Testing
We have continued being scientists by exploring ‘Materials’ and testing the properties of them.

Year 1 DT- Creating levers
We have explored sliders and levers and now we have begun to make our own. We have used our cutting, glueing and hole punching skills to make this. We will be exploring these in preparation for our end product.

Bible Explorers return,
Ruth and Sutty from Bible Explorers returned today to tell us more stories from the Old Testament. We practised the symbols from last time and heard about the stories of Moses and Joseph. We found them really exciting…

Year 4 Prayer Tree
Last week, in our RE lesson Year 4 wrote some prayers. We had all put a named heart or star on our prayer tree and we switched off the lights so we could see the lights on the tree and our lighted candle. We wrote prayers, praising God for our wonderful world, thanking God for our fabulous friends…

Year 6 printing project begins
This week, we welcomed Naomi St. John into our class to help us design and create multi-layered prints which will eventually become our Christmas cards. Having created our basic designs and transferred them onto polystyrene tiles, we learnt how to ink them and print our designs onto coloured…