11 Feb

Colourful Day - organised by the Art Club Leaders

The Art Club leaders organised a colourful clothes day to raise money for art resources in schools around the world that do not have them. The money raised will be sent to UNICEF and for every £135 raised, one art box will be sent to a school in need. 

The total amount raised so far is…

10 Feb

Y6 learn about Passover

Year 6 have been learning all about the Jewish festival of Passover this half term. They learnt how the festival is celebrated every year by Jews all over the world, to make sure they remember the time when God used Moses to rescue and free his people from slavery in Egypt. After many plagues, the…

10 Feb

Making switches

Today, we have been investigating how switches work and why they are so important. We had a go at making our own switches using the knowledge from last week that metals are conductors of electricity.

9 Feb

Dance - Toy Story

We have enjoyed learning different characters within our dance this half term. Today, we performed our dances to different classes. Brilliant ! 

9 Feb

Dear Celtic Leader... Our Reports About the Roman Army

In history we have been learning about the Roman invasion and the strength of their army.  Today we wrote reports as if we were Celtic spies giving evidence about the strength of the Roman army.  We had lots of information to pass on and didn't think our Celtic army had much chance against the…

8 Feb

Making 2 digit numbers

We used lots of resources to show how we can make 2 digit numbers by partitioning into tens and ones. We used straws, ten frames, numicon, number lines and bead bars. We enjoyed exploring different ways. 

8 Feb

People Who Help Us-Mrs Hammond

Mrs Hammond came in to tell us how she helps people everyday. She showed us her uniform, some of her equipment that she uses daily and also let us try it out too! 
We enjoyed listening and finding out lots of interesting things. Thank you, Mrs Hammond! 

8 Feb

People Who Help Us- Mr Hammond

Today we had another visit into school. Mr Hammond told us about how he helped people whilst working at the Power Station. He told us some important jobs he did, his safety uniform and told us some of the dangers he faced in his job. We enjoyed finding out about his job and we also enjoyed wearing…

8 Feb

Investigating Patterns in Multiplication Tables

In maths we have been investigating patterns in different multiplication tables. We looked at the digital roots of the different tables and drew the shapes that these made onto circles. We were amazed by the different shapes that were created. We tried to work logically and carefully so we could…

7 Feb

People Who Help Us- Mr Bush

Today, we enjoyed looking and listening about all the different animals that Mr Bush works with every day. We enjoyed listening how he helps conservation, finding out and teaching other people about animals. 
We discovered some new animals that we had never seen before so close( lots of beetles…

7 Feb

Anglo-Saxon Religion

We have been learning about religion in Britain during Anglo-Saxon times.

First of all we learnt about different gods from the Anglo-Saxon pagan beliefs. We then acted out the story of how Christianity came to Britain from missionaries from both Ireland and Rome.

We found out that it was a…