3 Mar

It’s World Book Day!

We have enjoyed listening stories today. Thank you  to Y3 for coming and reading to us. We love to see you. 

3 Mar

Reading with our buddies

As part of World Book Week we read dinosaur books with our Reception buddies.

2 Mar

Investigating world trade

In Year 6, we are finding out about trade at local, national and international level. We have begun to investigate where the items we buy are actually sourced or manufactured, and have been quite surprised to discover how far some of the products have travelled. We used Digimaps to measure the…

2 Mar

Year 1 Science- Animal sorting

We have been looking and naming the different animals and learning the animal groups ( mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish). We have been looking closely at the different animals to sort them into different groups. We have spotted similarities and differences between the animals and…

2 Mar

Reading with our buddies

As part of World Book Week we had a visit from our Year 5 buddies. They read a selection of dinosaur books with us. 

2 Mar

A walk in the woods

We walked through Dorrington Wood to look for storybook characters. We were very excited to find “Where’s Wally ?” and “The very hungry caterpillar.”A big thank you to y3 who held our hands very tightly.

2 Mar

Year 6 start cricket

Year 6 were looking forward to their first cricket session with Coach Steve this afternoon. Unfortunately it was too wet and windy to go down to the field, so we stayed in the hall and practised a range of skills involving throwing, catching, batting and fitness. Hopefully the weather will be…

2 Mar

Year 6 and Year 2 enjoy World Book Day activities together

Year 6 started their celebrations for World Book Day today, by going down to the woods with Year 2 to help them solve the picture clues on our book trail.

We also shared some of our favourite stories with Year 2, which we really enjoyed and we hope they did too.


1 Mar

Reading Trail with Buddies

We had a lovely time with our buddies on the book trail through Dorrrington Wood as part of our World Book celebrations.

1 Mar

Book trail through Dorrington Wood

We had a lovely time with our buddies on the book trail through Dorrrington Wood as part of our World Book celebrations.

28 Feb

Year 1 Maths- comparing 2 digit numbers

We made 2 digit numbers using a range of resources and compared them using greater than and less than. 

25 Feb

Roman Day - spying on towns, the end of an empire and... food!

After learning about Boudicca, we became Celtic spies investigating Roman towns. We had to search for clues about what would be in the towns and report back to our groups. We were even allowed to ’spy’ on other groups! We then had to draw and label a picture map to show the different features of…