13 Mar

The start of Lent

What better way to start lent than with a pancake.new had a look in the shopping bag to see what ingredients we will need. We talked about where each came from and already knew that eggs came from hens and milk from cows. We were a bit unsure about where flour came from. We sang our rhyme, “Mix a…

13 Mar

The lost sheep.

We have been looking everywhere for those pesky lost sheep. We listened to the story Jesus told and then went to find all of the sheep hiding around Nursery. Come in at the end of the day and see how many you and your child can spot.

13 Mar

It’s World Book Day!

We have enjoyed listening to stories today. Thank you  to Y3 for coming and reading to us. We love to see you. 

11 Mar

Football Fun at St. Luke's

Some of the Year 5 and Year 6 girls enjoyed an afternoon of fun and football with girls from St. Luke's Primary School in Skerton. Coaches from Morecambe Football Club organised a skills session for us, before we played a friendly match. Despite the wind and rain, everyone had fun and showed great…

11 Mar

Garden Time

Today the children were tasked with collecting objects from the garden and making pictures with them. 


11 Mar

Teddy Bear Hospital

We had a brilliant time learning about how to keep ourselves healthy this morning when the student doctors from Lancaster Uni visited. 


10 Mar

Year 6 cricket at the field

After disappointing wet weather for our first cricket session last week, the sun shone for us today and we were able to go down to the field with Steve and his assistant coaches. We practised some striking skills as well as playing a game of Diamond Cricket. There was some very impressive batting…

10 Mar

Parachute investigation

Today, we have been learning about air resistance. We made parachutes that were different sizes and dropped them from the same height to see whether the surface area created more air resistance. We found out that the larger the canopy, the slower they fell to the ground. We also found out from…

9 Mar

Year 1 Science-Sorting animal diets

We have enjoyed finding out and sorting what different animals eat. We have used the vocabulary herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. We have also thought about what we eat! 

9 Mar

Reading with our special people in class

It was a very special end to the day today when the mummies and daddies came in to read with us. Thank you to so many of you for coming in. The children loved it.

9 Mar

Rosie the reading dog’s first visit to school.

The children who have received their purple bands had a treat last Friday. They met Rosie the reading dog, had an ice lolly or sweets and listened to a story about a reading dog.