Animal Fun
We dressed up as different animals today to raise money and donations for the charity ‘Animal Care’. How many different animals can you see in Y4?
Eco group help the community clean-up
Our newly formed Eco group for the year went out this afternoon with Mrs Ventress to help our local councillor Abi Mills and a group of volunteers. There task was to clear some of the litter and leaves which have been collecting on the streets around school.

Jubilee fun
We waved our flags as the baton went past. We were excited to walk to the field and join in the fun.
Jubilee Celebrations
What a fabulous day! We have managed to squeeze in so much! An assembly with Mrs Boyle all about the Commonwealth Games, a procession with the Jubilee baton, sports linked to different Commonwealth countries, passing the baton to the next school at Williamson's Park, a picnic lunch on the field…

Active 60 Festival
A great big thank you to the students at the University of Cumbria for organising a fabulous sports festival for our Y1 and Y2 children. Not only did the children have a great time, precious funds were also raised for St John’s hospice. If you would like to contribute to this fundraising, please…
Ukraine donations
Thank you so much for your donations - we took them to the Morecambe collection point and they will be sent to the border of Ukraine next week. It was amazing to see how much was sent in.

Trip to Wildlife Oasis
What a brilliant trip! We learned so much about the animals and the habitats that suit them best.