12 Jul

Macbeth performance

Year 6 have been learning the story of Macbeth, one of William Shakespeare’s plays. Today they did their first performance of their very own version. Shakespeare’s original play certainly didn’t include singing assassins and rappers!

The children did a brilliant job and are looking forward to a…

30 Jun

Y4 Debates

This week we have been carrying out debates. In groups, we have researched facts about different topics such as homework, watching television, PE in schools and uniform. We have used persuasive language to argue for or against each topic. The rest of the class then had to vote for the most…

13 Jun

We love stories!

We love listening to stories in Nursery and acting them out. Everyone wanted to be Handa today and try to carry a basket of fruit on their head. We are holding on with just one hand and keeping an eye out for cheeky, hungry animals.

19 May

Phonics Hunt

We enjoyed finding all the different phonic sounds around the playground. We read the sound and then had to come up with a word. We thought of lots of words!! 


29 Apr

Turning a nursery rhyme into a play

Over the last few weeks we have been reading and writing plays. We have looked at the story of ‘Robin Hood and the Chocolate Cake’ and turned it into a play script. Today, we have looked at some familiar nursery rhymes and have acted them out in groups.

28 Apr

Hearing stories

Mrs Todd Bryce told us the story of the “Very Hungry Caterpillar”

we used the knitted props that the soroptomists brought us. We talked about our favourite foods and what happens when you eat too much.

27 Apr

Y1 Story Sack

Thank you to one of our lovely Governor, Mrs Quainoo, who organised for our Enormous Turnip Story Sack to be made and presented to us alongside some other members of the Soroptomists group. We thoroughly enjoyed it. 
We will enjoy retelling the story using the characters and cannot wait to create…

25 Mar

Year 1 Reading Cafe

Thank you to the parents who came to our, ‘Reading Cafe’. The children loved listening to a range of stories and we even enjoyed some juice and a biscuit! 


13 Mar

It’s World Book Day!

We have enjoyed listening to stories today. Thank you  to Y3 for coming and reading to us. We love to see you. 

9 Mar

Reading with our special people in class

It was a very special end to the day today when the mummies and daddies came in to read with us. Thank you to so many of you for coming in. The children loved it.

9 Mar

Rosie the reading dog’s first visit to school.

The children who have received their purple bands had a treat last Friday. They met Rosie the reading dog, had an ice lolly or sweets and listened to a story about a reading dog.