18 Oct

Y2 Role Play

In literacy, we have been reading the story ‘The Way Home For Wilf’. Today we acted parts of the story and the rest of us had to guess which bit we were doing.  Our acting was so good everyone could guess which bit we were doing!

15 Oct

Bringing Stories to Life!

In Reading, Year 6 are working with the book, 'Stay Where You Are and Then Leave' by John Boyne. For the first chapter, we decided to bring the story to life by acting out the scene where Dad, George, returns to the house wearing his new Army Uniform. In this scene, his family realise that George…

14 Oct

In role as our characters

We thought of questions using our question hand to ask “ Harry the Happy Mouse”. We enjoyed being the different characters and listening to how they felt. 

13 Oct

Reading buddies

It is lovely to be enjoying time outside together again and Year 5 are doing a great job acting as Reading Buddies to the younger children. They are available each lunchtime play to help the infants choose and read books from the outdoor “book shed”.


13 Oct

Year 6 & Year 2 Shared Poetry Time

Across school, for National Poetry Week, the classes buddied up to share some time together to read poetry! Year 6 were lucky enough to have Year 2 as their buddies, and thoroughly enjoyed reading poems to the younger children and listening to them read also! 

7 Oct

Poetry Day

We really enjoyed Year 4 coming to our class today to share some of their favourite poems. 

7 Oct

Reading Buddies

This week in school we were celebrating reading.  Today we paired up with Year 6 to share lots of different types of books.  The Year 6 children did a fantastic job reading to us. Thanks Y6!!

7 Oct

Sharing Poetry with Year 1

We have had fun today reading and sharing different poems with children in Year 1. 

7 Oct

Year 5 share rhymes with their buddies

Today we met with our Reception buddies to read, sing, sign and act out Nursery Rhymes to celebrate National Poetry Day. We had a lot of fun even though the weather was miserable.

4 Oct

Acting out Goldilocks

We have been acting out the story of Goldilocks. We have some fantastic little actors in the class!

23 Sep

Information Hunt

We have been looking at information pages in different magazines and finding the key features. We used post-it notes to identify headings, subheadings, labels, captions, facts, questions and key vocabulary. We are going to use these key features when we write our own information page about the…