8 Jan


This half term we are learning all about superheroes and real life heroes. We have loved dressing up in our role play area. We have got capes and masks.  

12 Dec

Making our 2024 calendars.

This week we made our calendars. We found out that in each season the leaves are different colours. 

6 Dec


This week we have been learning all about the four different seasons. 

15 Nov

Looking after ourselves.

This afternoon we found out how and why we need to look after our teeth . We found out how to brush all the different surfaces and got to take a new toothbrush home. We had so much fun. 

16 Oct


This week we have been talking about the jobs farmers do in God’s wonderful world. We have looked closely at fruits and vegetables that grow at this time of year. We predicted what we might see when we cut the squashes open and if the colour on the outside made a difference to the inside.

6 Oct

Poetry day.

Today we have had a visit from Tony Peek, a poet. We have listened to lots of amazing poems and we got to dance and sing.

4 Oct

Today we made repeated patterns.

Today we made repeated patterns. We used lots of different fruits to do this, we had so much fun!

26 Sep

The toe bones connected to the foot bone

After listening to the story of funny bones we had a chat about the skeleton inside us. All children could show me where there was a bone in their body and thanks to the story could find their skull. We will continue to name body parts including wrist, ankle and hips.

26 Sep


Today we talked about our favourite fruit and vegetables. We also found out where they all came from and how they are grown.  Bananas come from Costa Rica.

22 Sep

Diddi Dance

Every other Wednesday we get to join in with Diddi Dance, we have so much fun. We really enjoy expressing ourselves. 

22 Sep

Life Education

Thank you to Steve, who came into Reception. He spoke to us about our bodies and how we can stay healthy. We also got a visit from Harold the giraffe.

22 Sep

Our new unit

We have had a lot of fun in the past two weeks exploring our new unit. We have met new children and tried new activities. Nursery parents are very welcome to stay and play for the first 15 minutes of every day.