17 Jan

Yeah it snowed!

As soon as the snow fell we went out to enjoyit.


12 Jan

Superhero visit

We had some very exciting visitors this afternoon. Do you recognise anyone?

11 Jan

Playing outside

Outside we have different challenges and activities for the Nursery children. This week the children are strengthening their hand muscles. They are spraying the fires with water bottles. We are talking about amounts to five and looking at the numeral that represents each.

11 Jan


Today two fish have come to Nursery. We are going to look after them whilst their owners are on holiday. We have talked about the rules we will need to keep them safe, linking it with our kind hands board. Each day we will choose a child from the kind hands board to feed the fish.

15 Dec

The Landlord's Cat

The two performances of The Landlord's Cat were amazing and everyone did a fantastic job with their singing, dancing, acting, learning lines and signing. We hope you enjoyed it.

9 Dec

Winter scenes

In Nursery we encourage all children to be creative. We provided a range of loose parts for children to create winter scenes after looking at paintings on our computer. We are using the pictures for our cards this year. No two cards will be the same.

11 Nov

X marks the spot

Today we have followed a simple map to find a new toy for Nursery. We have used lots of directional language. The children were very good at looking for clues on each photo to find the next place to look. 

4 Nov

Reading our Bonfire Safety Instructions

We have written some safety instructions and we enjoyed sharing them with Reception class today. 

18 Oct

Our sense of smell

Today we used our sense of smell . We decided if we liked the smell or not and had a go at guessing what might be making the smell. We use our senses to explore and make sense of the world around us.

30 Sep

We are all different!

Look at our elephant pictures. No two are alike,just like no two children in nursery are exactly the same. We heard that God makes us all unique.

28 Sep

Making healthy fruit kebabs

What a lot of fruit we had to share this afternoon! We made lovely healthy kebabs. The challenge was to try to make a repeating pattern with our favourite fruits.

28 Sep

Exploring nature in the woods.

We had a great time exploring in Dorrington Wood today. We used our senses to listen, look, feel and smell. We also collected leaves, seeds and something that felt rough.