17 Jan

What is the temperature today?

Every day, we have been checking and recording the temperature. We have even seen -2’C, we definitely needed our coats, hats and scarves that day! 

14 Jan

Our Weather Station

We have been weather forecasters and finding out the weather in the UK. Some children made cameras in the making area to record the forecast too. We had other children checking the satellites and others recording the temperature. 

5 Jan

Y4 European Country Research

In geography have been learning about the physical and human features of different countries.  In pairs we chose a country and researched it using books and the internet. We had to show the flag of each country as well.  We presented our information for a display.


14 Dec

Our local walk to explore different houses

We spotted lots of different houses on our walk e.g detached, bungalows, semi-detached and flats. We spotted Lancaster Castle and explored our local church, St Paul’s. We spotted the date 1925 on the Parish Hall opposite the church.

29 Nov

Snow Day

We enjoyed the last bit of snow out on the playground today. We recorded the temperature at 2’C! Good job we wore our gloves. 

24 Nov

Year 2 Local Area Walk

We went for a walk in our local area today. We discovered that some parts were quite busy whilst other areas were very quiet. We spotted lots of facilities to help the people in our local area, such as shops, pubs, a petrol station, playing field.....

17 Nov

Investigating Europe

Today we started our new topic in geography: Europe! We looked at the countries in each part of Europe (Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western) and tried to memorise some of their names and locations. Some, like Italy and Greece had very obvious shapes but others were much harder! We also learnt…

3 Nov

Countries of the UK

We have been exploring the four countries of the United Kingdom.  We learnt the names of the four countries, their capital cities and lots of fun facts about each one.  

2 Nov

Environmental Posters in Year 5

In Geography, we have been learning about the COP26 conference.  We watched Newsround and read articles about the conference. We found out about what governments are trying to do to reduce climate change.  In our "Living in the United Kingdom" topic we have also been learning about the many…

13 Oct

Year 4 Local Geography Field Trip

Today we went on a field trip to gather information for making our own maps of the local area.  We noted down all the different things we walked past on our trip to Dorrington Field.  We tried to draw rough sketches of our journey on the way, but it was not always easy to know which direction we…

29 Sep

Geography Field Work

Today Year 4 braved the weather (we had rain, wind, sunshine and a bit of hail!) to do our geography!  We have been learning about field work and today we did some of our own linked to our topic of "The Local Area".  We learnt that geographers carry out surveys to get information and so we did a…

22 Sep

Where we live.

We have been learning all about the four countries of the United Kingdom including their capital cities.  This map on our classroom wall is there to remind us of their names.