North, South, East, West!
We used compasses to direct our partners around the playground. We directed them using the language north, south, east and west. We enjoyed making up silly rhymes to remember the compass points. Naughty, Silly, Earth, Worm was one of our favourites and Naughty, Elephants, Squirt, Water.
Learning about Fair Trade
Year 6 concluded their work on trade by learning about Fair Trade. We were shocked to find out that if a banana were to cost 30p for us to buy in the supermarket, banana plantation workers would only receive 1p. We thought they deserved more than this after finding out about how hard their job is.…
Year 4 rivers lesson
Year 4 have been having fun making models of rivers with Miss Flynn in their Geography lesson.
Garden time 4-3
Today we have been finding natural objects with different characteristics. Some were smooth, some bumpy, some long, some short.
Investigating world trade
In Year 6, we are finding out about trade at local, national and international level. We have begun to investigate where the items we buy are actually sourced or manufactured, and have been quite surprised to discover how far some of the products have travelled. We used Digimaps to measure the…
Garden Time 25-2-22
We went into the garden to look for signs of growth now that Spring is on its way.
Dorrington Wood Walk
This afternoon, Year 3 went for a walk around Dorrington Wood so that we will be able to compare it to the rainforests we are learning about this half term. Unfortunately, as soon as we got there it began raining! When we got back to school (after we dried off) we learnt that rainforests were very…
Year 1 Science- Animal Hunt
To start our new topic, we went to discover the animals we found in our school garden. We found out that the smaller animals (insects) like damp, dark places like under the logs and rocks. We found some woodlice, a ladybird, a snail and a slug!
Rio de Janeiro Information
Use these links to find information about the physical and human Geography of Rio de Janeiro:
Living in Rio | Key Stage 2 | Geography in the News
Rio de Janeiro - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
Happy Chinese Lunar New Year
We have made lots of decorations in the last week ready for our party. We know it is the year of the tiger this year and have used lots of mark making tools to make stripes on a giant tiger. We are going to celebrate with a party when all our friends are back in Nursery.
What is the temperature today?
Every day, we have been checking and recording the temperature. We have even seen -2’C, we definitely needed our coats, hats and scarves that day!
Our Weather Station
We have been weather forecasters and finding out the weather in the UK. Some children made cameras in the making area to record the forecast too. We had other children checking the satellites and others recording the temperature.